I only followed you so I am shot at here – he pointed towards his throat – with an arrow, I die and then enter into Paradise…
Tag: jihad
Entering the protection of non-muslims
Review: this important book discusses in detail the issue of “Amaan” – Muslims entering into the protection of Non-Muslim countries, its ramifications of this according to Islamic Law.
Explanation of Aqeedah Ar-Raaziyayn [15 Lessons]
A series of lessons explaining the treatise known as Aqeedah Ar-Raaziyayn, consisting of the Aqeedah which the Salaf agreed upon.
Seven Islamic Enlightenments Regarding the Suicide Attack in Stockholm
Importantly this is not an article which merely condemns terrorism, however tries to understand the psyche behind the terrorists and how the justify their ideology.
Five matters to bring victory to the Ummah
They are those who, if We give them authority in the land, establish salah, give zakah, enjoin goodness and forbid evil…
To those who legislated in Islaam the permissibility of ‘Martyrdom Operations’.
A very insightful article emphasising the irresponsibility of those who permitted ‘Suicide Bombings’ such as Yusuf Qardawi, Salman Al-Awda and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Teach Muslim women English to reduce extremism?!
A reply to a BBC news item entitled: “Muslim women’s segregation in UK communities must end”; highlighting the causes of extremism.
Are we obligated to establish a caliphate?
What is your opinion regarding a person who says: ‘our responsibility and obligation is to strive and try our best to establish the Islamic Khilaafah.’ Is this advice correct or wrong?
The Supposed ISIS Caliphate Who Kill Praying People and Slaughter Humans with Knives
Ten points proving the falsehood of ISIS and their actions of killing innocent people in a Masjid recently
The Enemies of Islam fear the Muslims
One of them said, ‘indeed, the white turban in Africa is more dangerous to us than the atomic bomb…
According to which religion and intellect is the attack on a school in Peshawar & killing more than 132 children justified?
This heinous act, and other similar acts of killing and destruction which occur in the Muslim lands, can never be attributed to rational thinking, never mind attributing it to Islaam.
The Calamity of the so-called “Caliphate of ISIS” in Iraq
It is from the betterment of this group that they look at themselves and return to their senses before its state becomes blown away by the wind
Our Obligation towards Syria and its Muslims
A similar crime to the one committed in Syria has not been known throughout contemporary and present history, only Allaah knows [the true extent] of it
Guidance is Contingent Upon Jihad
Whoever struggles to overcome these four for the sake of Allah will receive further guidance from Allah, guidance that will ultimately lead him to paradise.
Advice to the Ummah during these troubling times
And that which we hear and read from our preachers (khateebs) and writers (journalists), all of it is condemnation of the actions of the enemies.