They are those who, if We give them authority in the land, establish salah, give zakah, enjoin goodness and forbid evil…
Category: Abdur-Razzaq al-‘Abbaad
Do not belittle a person you see sinning
If you see a person sinning, how should you respond?
If the reward for giving water to a dog is Jannah, then how about teaching Tawheed to the people?
If a prostitute entered Paradise due to feeding a dog, then what is the reward for the callers to Tawheed?
Accompany good people
There is nothing more destructive upon a person, or more beneficial to a person, than his friend
As you treat others…
It is said: you will be treated as you treat others…
The Importance of al-Imaam an-Nawawee’s Forty Hadeeth
So the point being that these Forty [Hadeeth of Imaam an-Nawawee] are indeed very great, and it is befitting upon every muslim that he offers them great care and attention…
Be a Key to Goodness
Indeed from among the people are those who are keys to goodness and closures of evil. And indeed from among the people are keys to evil and closures to goodness