This article is a refutation of Dr. Mohammed al-Issa from Saudi Arabia, regarding his doubts about offering greetings to non-Muslims on Christmas and other religious festivals.
Category: Sects & Groups
Are the Shia Muslims?
Is it permitted to make Takfīr of the Shia?
40 Hadeeth Destructive to the Ambitions of the Rawaafidh
The E-Book has been divided into various chapters, each chapter containing Ahaadeeth which negate the beliefs of the Rawaafidh.
The Greatest Scholars of this Ummah Were Never Ash’aree
All of these virtuous scholars and great Imaams, there was never a single Ash’aree among them. Why not? How?
The Raafidhah and their Ahaadeeth
The Ahlul-Hadeeth have deduced that those ahaadeeth which mention the word ‘Rawaafidh’ are fabricated.
Al-Ikhwaan Al-Muslimoon
They are the followers of Hasan Al Bannaa, and there are certain critical points of observation that all to be made against their Manhaj