20 points to help a person develop patience when wronged by others, authored by Ibn Taymiyyah, set out in a workbook format for students.
Category: Soul Purification
The blessed effect of sincerity
He never authored a book until he first pray 2 Raka’ah…
Lecture Series: The journey of certainty
A series of 7 lectures revolving around the journey of every person to the grave and the Hereafter
He was truthful to Allah, so Allah was truthful to him
I only followed you so I am shot at here – he pointed towards his throat – with an arrow, I die and then enter into Paradise…
Four levels of Haram and sins
In the Qur’an, Allah mentions the 4 levels of sins in a single Ayah.
Beauty and ugliness is a reflection of the heart
When piety and righteousness increase, beauty becomes manifest; when sins increase, ugliness become more manifest.
An explanation of Riyadh as-Saliheen
Concise lessons teaching Riyadh As-Saliheen, begun during the Corona virus outbreak (2019) to bring us closer Allah during a time wherein a lockdown was enforced upon the people.
Paradise is sorrounded by difficulties and sacrifices
A sermon regarding the Hadeeth: “Paradise is surrounded by difficulties and sacrifices; the Fire is surrounded by pleasures and desires”
Earthquakes – contemplations and lessons
A sermon reminding the Muslim of some of the reasons as to why earthquakes occur and what lessons we can learn from them.
Contemplating the end of the Islamic year
Contemplating how quickly days, weeks and years pass by and the importance of investing from this life in the Hereafter
Contemplations during summer days
A sermon explaining the wisdom behind Allah alternating between summer and winter, and the importance of lowering the gaze.
Allah is Pure and only accepts what is pure
A sermon regarding the name of Allah At-Tayyib; and the importance of earning and consuming Halaal.
Allah says: O my people…
In this Khutbah, you will learn: The famous Hadeeth Qudsi in which Allah repeats: “O my people…” The immense blessings of Allah The justice and fairness of Allah The perfect and complete kingdom of Allah Our good deeds only benefit us, they do not increase Allah in anything Our sins only harm ourselves, they […]
Say: I believe in Allah, and be Upright
In this Khutbah, you will learn: Appreciating the blessing of Islam and guidance The unique Aayah which contains 10 different independent admonishments The religion is based on the rectification of the heart and the rectification of the limbs. The admonishment of the Prophet: Say I believe in Allah, and be upright What is Istiqaamah? The […]
Between a believer and a hypocrite
“A believer combines between doing good and fearing Allah, whereas a hypocrite combines between doing evil and feeling safe from Allah…”