This e-book is an excellent resource for new Muslims, it contains 32 essential questions about the basic aspects of Islam
Category: Da’wah
Lessons Muslims can learn from the decline of the Church
An analysis of the causes behind the decline of the Church, and a look at what preserves Islam and the Masjid
Written Khutbah: 5 pieces of advice for Ramadhan
A short written sermon containing important advice for Ramadhan. It can be used as a resource for students or workers who may be delivering a Khutbah.
The community disregarding the student of knowledge
When society disregards the student of knowledge, such that he feels he does not have an appropriate role in society
Islamic guidelines for using social media
9 important guidelines to ensure our social media accounts are an avenue of reward and not punishment.
Interacting with an Imaam who is an innovator
A person should not take a stance which will allow the people of innovation to punish and subdue Ahl As-Sunnah, to exile them from the Masjid and restrict their [Da’wah] activities.
Da’wah in the Masaajid of those who oppose Salafiyyah
Shaykh Saalih Al-Fawzaan is questioned regarding the permissibility of a student of knowledge calling to Allaah in the Masaajid of people who oppose Salafiyyah.
Is it correct to warn against Shirk without mentioning the names of the Callers to Shirk and Bid’ah?
In giving Da’wah and warning against Shirk, is it a necessity to always mention the names of the Callers to Shirk?
Rectify your own self first then others
It is upon the youth to be concerned with rectifying themselves before they [busy themselves] with the rectification of others
As you treat others…
It is said: you will be treated as you treat others…
How do we deal with the innovators we see and work with on a daily basis?
What do you advise us with in regards to how we deal with the innovators whom we see, speak and work with almost every day?
This is an era of gentleness, not harshness
He should advice his brothers, however, with gentlenessand kind speech, andnot with transgression upon the people, nor harming them, insulting them, or cursing them. Rather with kind speech and a beautiful approach.
From the manners of a caller
From the manners that is befitting for you to be upon, O dear Daa’ee, is to be tolerant in your Da’wah, gentle in it, and to be forbearing and very patient – just as the Messenger used to be.
Praying and Teaching in the Mosques of the Soofees
At the same time, however, Ahlus Sunnah should remain in contact with People of Innovation in order to advise, direct, educate and give them understanding of the religion
O Students of Knowledge, this is not a time to relax
Important advice to the Students of Knowledge regarding the responsibility on their shoulders towards the Ummah