Upon the start of the month of Ramadhaan, people exchange greetings of the beginning of this month – just as the greeting for the ‘Eed; Is this established from the Salaf?
Category: Topic
The Importance of Learning the Arabic Language
One must appreciate the rich nature of the Arabic language and how difficult it can be to accurately capture the true essence of the Arabic text in any language.
From the Manners of Fasting
A mention of the manners that should be observed throughout Fasting
The Legal Authority of the Sunnah of the Messenger
The Sunnah is a legal proof by itself, upon those who hear it from him, may prayers and peace be upon him, & upon those whom it reaches via authentic chains of narration.
A Response to Malicious Allegations Levied against Madeenah.Com
A series of articles have recently been published by certain malicious websites defaming Madeenah.com in addition to the students of knowledge who contribute to it.
The difference between the Faraaidh & Nawaafil prayers – 2
From among the Nawaafil prayers are those that are exempted whilst on a journey. As for the Faraaidh prayers then nothing is exempted from them.
The difference between Fardh and Nafl Prayers – 1
The first part of this series outlines fourteen differences between the Obligatory and Voluntary Prayers
Rules Concerning Boycotting (Hajr)
What are the rules of boycotting & disputation between a Muslim & his fellow brother when they do not differ in the [main] religious issues, rather, in some subsidiary branches?
Madeenah.com Responds to the Unfounded Accusations – 4
Concealing and tampering with the questions themselves after they had already been posed to the Scholars.
Festivals are one of the most unique things by which religions are distinguished
“Festivals are part of the laws, clear ways and rituals of which Allaah Says: “For every nation We have ordained religious ceremonies which they follow”
The Status of the Sunnah of the Messenger and the Verdict on those who Reject it
This of course, is based on the consensus of the people of knowledge, and the reality that it is a source of legal authority by itself upon the entire Muslim nation.
Observing the recitation of only some of the Legislated Supplications
Is it required for a person to recite all the [legislated] supplications of the evening and all the [legislated] supplications of the morning?
The Major Scholars do not speak about affairs unless when appropriate
Sometimes we hear some students of knowledge criticising the scholars, saying that they are silent when certain events, tragedies and catastrophes occur.
Attending the funeral of an Innovator
Is there reward in attending the funeral procession of someone that commits acts of shirk and innovation?
The Preservation of the Sunnah
Their followers [at-Taabi’oon] also passed it on to those who succeeded them and thus did the trustworthy scholars, generation after generation, era after era.