Some people say that to place the feet in the direction of the Qiblah whilst sitting in the Masjid is something that is not permissible, and it is from bad manners
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Conceal the sins of your Muslim brother
Some patients visit me after having drunk intoxicants or taken drugs. This then results in them committing certain prohibited acts such as adultery and homosexuality. Should I inform [the authorities]?
Once again: O Ahlus-Sunnah, be gentle with Ahlus-Sunnah
This treatise is specifically important for the students of knowledge, do not pay attention to what the owners of certain meagre websites will say regard- ing it; they only criticise this type of treatise out of arrogance
Guidance is Contingent Upon Jihad
Whoever struggles to overcome these four for the sake of Allah will receive further guidance from Allah, guidance that will ultimately lead him to paradise.
Knowledge-based Observation
It contains valuable advice and steadfast directions, especially since it rectifies some of the problems and the deficiencies that they have with them these days in methodology…
They did not differ until after knowledge came to them
Why does this differing take place if indeed their Lord is one, their Messenger is one, their religion is one and their common objectives are the same?
How can lunar & solar eclipses cause fear if people know when they will occur?
As a result, when an eclipse happens, people become heedless & indifferent, & are not afraid. So what do you say about that? And how can this sign become a cause for fear?
Visions about the future of Islam
Humanity has begun to turn right and left in search of the correct path, hoping it will save them from the abyss, into which every aspect of their lives has deteriorated.
Beware of those who call to themselves! – Shaykh Suhaymee’s visit to al-Albani
The rabbani scholar does not call [the people] to make taqdees of him and does not call them to be attached to him.
Extending salutations upon the deceased in the graveyard
Should one extend salutations upon the deceased in their graves from within the graveyard or from the street whilst passing by the graveyard?
Tawaaf al-Wadaa’ for the one making ‘Umrah
Is making Tawaaf al-Wadaa’ obligatory upon the one making Umrah?
Giving Zakah to the Poor and Destitute to perform the Hajj
Is it permissible to give him [funds] from the zakaah in order to facilitate his performing the obligatory hajj himself?
The Hajj of the Disabled
Is Hajj obligatory upon the disabled (incapacitated) or not?
Ihraam of the Menstruating Women
The Tawaaf of the [Ka’bah] is [like] the Salaah, as has been established from the Hadeeth of Aa’ishah [radiyAllaahu anhaa] which is narrated in the two Saheehs.
Performing Hajj on behalf of my Parents
Can I make Hajj upon my parents who died and did not make Hajj during their lifetimes as it never became Waajib (obligatory) for them due to their poverty?