It is hoped this series will be utilised by parents, teachers and Arabic language institutions, as an aid for Arabic reading and comprehension.
Tag: Muhammad
Umm Ma’bad regarding the physical description of the Prophet ﷺ
A description of the Prophet ﷺ as if you see him, described by an elderly non-Muslim women whom the Prophet ﷺ passed by during the hijrah.
An authentic hadith regarding sending salah upon the Prophet ﷺ
“Whoever sends a single ṣalāh upon me, Allāh will send salutations and blessings upon him ten times…”
Did the Sahābah (Companions) make mistakes?
Reference: Majmū’ Fatāwa Ibn Taymiyyah Vol 3 Page 155 [al-‘Aqīdah al-Wāsitiyyah] Ahl as-Sunnah do not believe that every individual Ṣaḥābi (companion) is free from major or minor sins; rather in general. it is possible that they sinned. However, they possessed virtues and merits which causes their sins to be forgiven – if indeed they sinned. Moreso, […]
Essential questions & answers for new Muslims
39 essential questions which for new Muslims, or newly practising Muslims.
Why was the Prophet so generous in Ramadan?
The Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) was the most generous of people, and he was further generous in Ramadhan…
A study of the Shahaadatayn
A lesson explaining the two testimonies of faith, their meanings, conditions and pillars. Downloadable worksheet included.
Contemplations Regarding Al-Mawlid An-Nabawi
13 concise contemplation regarding Al-Mawlid An-Nabawi
Who was Muhammad (peace be upon him)?
Basic details regarding the life and family of the Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) so it can act as a reference when teaching our families and children.
Important Questions Regarding Mawlid An-Nabee
There are a number of very important questions that any person who is celebrating the birthday of the Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) should ask themselves
8 common arguments for celebrating Mawlid
Concise replies to a number of common arguments that people use trying to prove the birthday of the Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam)
The Clouds are not Harmed by the Barking of the Dogs
One of the greatest blessings of Allah on this Ummah is the fact that He sent the greatest and most honorable man ever to walk this earth.
In Defence of the Prophet: {Verily, you are of an exalted standard of character}
A brief summary of his great character is the explanation of the mother of the believers Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) to the one who asked her about his character.
In Defence of the Prophet (May the Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
Those who mock & ridicule you & that which you have come with, & this is a promise from Allah to His messenger that those who mock him will never harm him in any way.
O claimants of freedom, until when the mockery of Islam & the Prophet?
We were recently made aware by the world media of a film which was directed in America by a director called Sam Bacile; this film attacks Islaam by describing it as a cancer…