A workbook that can be downloaded and printed when studying Nawaqid al-Islam (the Invalidators of Islam)
Tag: Islam
How will Palestine be regained?
If only our youth fully realised, that it is not possible for us to gain absolute victory except through implementing Islām, not merely the Islām which is stated as your “hobby” on your ID card
Essential questions & answers for new Muslims
39 essential questions which for new Muslims, or newly practising Muslims.
Lessons Muslims can learn from the decline of the Church
An analysis of the causes behind the decline of the Church, and a look at what preserves Islam and the Masjid
Entering the protection of non-muslims
Review: this important book discusses in detail the issue of “Amaan” – Muslims entering into the protection of Non-Muslim countries, its ramifications of this according to Islamic Law.
In times of difficulty, be a key to goodness & benefit for your community
A call to every Muslim to demonstrate their Islam in this time of difficulty. This advice was written in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Contemplations from one man’s journey back from Atheism
Lessons and contemplations from: “the journey of the one who returned from Atheism to the Fitrah”
Guidance on giving shahadah to a non-muslim
An important article mentioning guidelines on what to do before, during and after giving shahādah to a non-muslim, and practical advice in helping them develop as a muslim.
Atheism: Its reality and dangers
An important sermon highlighting the dangers of atheism and that the Masaajid must not fail its people
This is what Islam teaches us
Khutbah mentioning the comprehensive teachings of Islaam which cover every aspect of a person’s life: Spiritual, financial, individual and social.
Proofs Islam is the religion of truth
“They want to extinguish the light of Allaah with their mouths, but Allaah will complete His light even if the disbelievers hate it…”
Seven Islamic Enlightenments Regarding the Suicide Attack in Stockholm
Importantly this is not an article which merely condemns terrorism, however tries to understand the psyche behind the terrorists and how the justify their ideology.
Five matters to bring victory to the Ummah
They are those who, if We give them authority in the land, establish salah, give zakah, enjoin goodness and forbid evil…
Save them before they burn…
A heartfelt call to the rulers, scholars, parents and guardians to awaken to the dangers that atheism and Kufr pose to our youth and children
Imaan in the Messengers
Continuation of a series of sermons regarding the Pillars of Imaan. In this sermon, Imaan in the Prophets and Messengers is explained, and some misconceptions clarified.