After this I advise you with brotherhood for the sake of Allah, and that you remain in contact with each other and partake in visiting in each other for the sake of Allah
Category: Topic
Announcing a Muslim’s Death via the Internet
What is the ruling regarding announcing the death of the scholars and other than them via the internet and via news media [services]; is this (considered) as an-na’yu?
Marriage with the intention to divorce
What is the ruling regarding marriage with the intention to divorce, bearing in mind there is no such agreement between the man and the woman, and the woman is unaware of this?
Hajj, ‘Umrah and Swine Flu
If a disease spreads in a country, one should not travel from that country so as not to spread that disease, nor should a person travel to the country that has that disease…
Ibn ‘Uthaymeen forecasts the “Credit Crunch”
I do not claim to see the future, nor do I claim to be a prophet, but these people, their wealth will end up in bankruptcy. Those who attempt to be deceptive towards Allaah…
Advice for the Muslims concerning Gaza
Know that what is important, is that we think good of our Lord, and we do not say `why is this happening?` This is Devine Decree, and Allaah is the all Wise over them.
How Ahlus-Sunnah refute each other
The souls of the Hizbees or the Harakiyoon were inclined to him in hopes they would make him join the ranks of those who revolt against the Jamaa’ah of the Muslims and their ruler.
Extremism is in lenience just as it is in Harshness
There have been increasingly numerous campaigns & refutations against extremism in religion lately, & they are with just right, because extremism in religion has been forbidden…
Categorizing People
Categorization of people is a detailed issue, & it is present in the Legislation and is permissible, rather it may be an obligation to clarify the truth & refute falsehood…
Origin of the Hadeeth «And the worst of the rows of the men are the last ones…»
The reason for the legislation of the hadeeth: «And the worst of the rows of the men are the last ones and the worst of the rows of the women are the first ones»…
The passing away of the Scholars
By Allaah, knowledge has not died, nor have the scholars, all praise is due to Allaah; The Committee of Major Scholars [remains]…
Seeking knowledge from other than the Scholars
The confining of some youth to themselves & their lessons in some of the homes and memorising amongst themselves and reading to themselves – in [all of] this there is great danger.
Seeking knowledge at an old age
Knowledge itself is a difficult undertaking that requires great effort. We know the older a person grows, the larger he becomes physically, & the weaker he becomes intellectually.
“Pledge of Mutual Respect and Co-operation” – the Scholars Clarify
Concerning propagation of the recent “Pledge of Mutual Respect & Co-operation” that was signed by a number of callers of diverse theological backgrounds & students from the West.
The Root Causes Behind the Excessive Differing between Ahlus-Sunnah
At present times, a lot of differing is taking place in many countries, as well as arguments, transgression and the exchange of accusations and criticisms between those who…