Khadeejah Bint Khuwailid (may Allaah be pleased with her) is a name that sparkles throughout the history of Islaam, like the brightness of a full moon at night in the sky.
Category: Topic
Advice for an age in which fitnah has increased
With what do you advise us during this age in which fitan have increased, & the people of innovation have become widespread, & [as we witness] the passing away of the scholars?
Above or below the words? –2
And we would place a line above the words – intending [by doing so] to draw attention to them, in accordance with the principle of the Muslim authors.
Four Principles that the religion is based upon
A concise treatise outlining four important principles that relate to every branch of Islamic knowledge; the religion of Islaam is built upon these revolves around these principles
The Raafidhah and their Ahaadeeth
The Ahlul-Hadeeth have deduced that those ahaadeeth which mention the word ‘Rawaafidh’ are fabricated.
Cultivating Children is an act of Worship
A Man came to Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) and said, ‘My son is disobedient to me.’ Umar then requested for his son to be bought to him, and asked him…
The Difference between the ‘Haudh’ and the ‘Kawthar’
What is the pond of Haudh, and what is the difference between it and the river of Kauthar?
Ahadith of al-Abdaal
The word “al-Abdaal” is from amongst those words which have been used with a false meaning by the Sufis and others similar to them such as the Shi’a….
Above or below the words? – 1
Certainly, placing the line above the words you want to draw attention to is from the manner of our scholars, in line with the manner of the scholars of hadeeth.
The Muslims are tired
A lecture given by ash-Shaykh al-Allaamah Saalih ibn Sa’d as-Suhaymee concerning the constant Fitnah amongst those who ascribe to Salafiyyah.
Delivering sermons and lectures in the masaajid of the Innovators
If the innovators request from me that I go and deliver lectures or sermons in their masjid, should I go or refuse?
Advice to students who busy themselves with Tabdee’ & Boycotting
Much needed advice from Shaykh ‘Abdul-Muhsin al-Abbaad regarding Tabdee’, boycottingand refuting mistakes
Ibn Baz: A Tear for Da’wah
If it was said: Shaykh Ibn Baz says something, people would be convinced, submit to it and retract from their statements. Allaah raise this man due to which thing?
The Wise Imaam
The Imaam would [take to account and] punish those who smoked [tobacco] – [this was at the time] when [smoking] first appeared [in the Arabian Peninsula] – about 250 years ago.
What did Ibn Taymiyyah really say about Mawlid an-Nabee?
Recently, an image has been broadcast selectively quoting the words of Ibn Taymiyyah, challenging the “Wahabis” to “atleast [sic] listen to your leaders” regarding the Mawlid.