How do we reconcile between accepting the information of a ‘thiqah’, and when the accused swears an oath to falsify the statement of this trustworthy person?
Category: Topic
The Importance of Verifying Information – 1
From the important characteristics that a student of knowledge must adorn himself with is: verifying the information that he narrates
The Difference between Sincere Advice and Criticism – 1
These are brief and comprehensive words concerning the difference between sincere advice and criticism.
The most soft and tender hearted of people
Associate with, and keep the company of those who are forgiving and merciful [to others], for indeed they are the most soft and tender hearted of people.
The prayer of the traveller who does not encounter nightfall
A whole day had actually passed him by. So what should he do about the prayers which he has missed? And what should he do when he travels via the same route next time?
Dealing with a neighbour who is from the People of Innovation
How should I interact with a neighbour who is from the people of innovation and his innovation may well be one of disbelief?
Never would the Messiah reject to be a servant of Allaah
It is incorrect therefore, for anyone to think that raising ‘Eesa and any other creation above their rightful station which Allaah has designated for them necessitates perfection.
Newly Innovated Affairs in Hajj
The affairs the people have newly invented in Hajj are as follows…
Women performing Hajj on behalf of Men
A man may perform Hajj on behalf of another man, and a woman may perform Hajj on behalf of a man, and this Hadeeth is clear evidence for women performing Hajj on behalf of men.
The signs of fortune and the signs of misfortune
So blessings are a trial from Allaah and a test, through which the one who is grateful shows his gratitude, and the one who is ungrateful shows his ingratitude
Rulings pertaining to an–Naskh (Abrogation)
A reply to a request by a dear friend of mine; He came across a Christian caller in Leicester (UK) who was trying to create confusion and doubt amongst the Muslims.
Actions which invalidate the fast
The actions that invalidate the Fast that have been mentioned in the Qur’an are three: Eating, Drinking and Sexual Intercourse.
Performing I’tikaaf at any time
Is [engaging in] i’tikaaf in other than Ramadhaan permissible? And what is its [legislated] duration?
The reward for Taraweeh
Whosoever stood [for the night prayer] in Ramadhaan with sincere faith and hoping for the reward, his previous sins will be forgiven.
Gheebah and Nameemah in Ramadhan
Concerning Ramadaan – O noble Shaykh – Does Gheebah and Nameemah render a person’s fast void in Ramadaan?