Responds to the Unfounded Accusations – 3

Maintaining Integrity, Honesty & Justice in Criticism, as Opposed to the Deception of Salafi Publications – C

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  • Do not let enmity between you and others cause you to be unjust in your dealings and rulings with them such that you oppress them due to the enmity that is between you.
  • …as a reminder for ourselves and an admonition for the brothers at Salafi Publications who have proven to be unjust with the misinformation and lies they are passing to the Scholars, continuously fueling Fitnah to the general masses in the West…
  • We will provide undeniable evidence for these points, not hollow claims based upon assumptions which are void of any tangible evidence; proving without a shadow of a doubt that Salafi Publications are untrustworthy concerning what they narrate to public as well as to the people of knowledge.
  • On one of the rare occasions where the question posed to Shaykh ‘Ubaid al-Jaabiree (may Allaah preserve him) has been published; it reveals not only deception, but that the question was tampered with after it was posed and before being presented to the English speaking audience.
  • Is it not from trustworthiness to narrate and translate accurately? Deliberate omission or tampering with questions after they were posed removes one from being considered as trustworthy in this regard as well as is in his other translations and narrations.
  • Who is being lied to here, the Mashayikh or the people? Is it that people are abandoning Salafi Publications by way of not attending their lessons both locally and internationally and freeing themselves from them as the question states? Or is it that during their lessons, both locally and internationally the Masjids and Internet rooms are full beyond capacity?
  • As a side note of advice, success in Da’wah is achieved by Allaah accepting the efforts, not by the number of people present. Some Messengers had few or no followers, yet they were still successful. The people of Hizbiyyah and innovations may draw huge numbers to their events…
  • Rather, it is Salafi Publications who are deceitfully misinforming the people of knowledge that they are being attacked and they are responding according to what is being stated in the question. This is only a sign of guilt, deception and weakness.
  • Where is the evidence for this claim that is being presented? Where exactly has “announced (and propagated)” that they have taken a ‘position against the Maktabah’ on
  • There are two people whom you must not conceal anything from if you would like to benefit from them; the doctor and the Faqeeh (scholar). Because you may conceal something from them which would have an effect on the response, whether it is from the doctor or the Faqeeh.
  • Strange indeed it is that Salafi Publications claim that students are lying about them, yet in their yearly visits to Madeenah they have not once requested that the students be present in their visits to the people of knowledge to expose their lies.
  • From what has reached me of your speech, I say that you have told lies to these brothers, if their narrations are accurate, or at best greatly twisted the truth, which is extremely disappointing when put alongside your claims of giving Da’wah for so long upon the path of our beloved Mashayikh.
  • I am not writing you this so that you may respond to me or that this keeps going back and forth between the two or more of us. I am writing this so that this issue may be taken to the scholars, and that the truth is ascertained from falsehood in their presence and that a solution is provided from them, not us.
  • I am writing you brothers this after speaking with Abu Khadeejah on the phone, being that he has denied saying some of the things that were related to me and declined to sit with the Mashayikh concerning these issues which was the reason why I called him.

Allaah the Mighty and Majestic says:

O you who believe! Stand out firmly for Allaah as just witnesses; and let not the enmity and hatred of others allow you to avoid justice. Be just: that is closer to piety; and fear Allaah. Indeed, Allaah is Well-Acquainted with what you do.[1]

At-Tabaree comments:

“Do not let enmity between you and others cause you to be unjust in your dealings and rulings with them such that you oppress them due to the enmity that is between you.”[2]

Allaah the Elevated says:

Verily, Allaah enjoins justice, beneficence, giving (help) to kith and kin, and forbids all forms of evil and Al-Munkar (i.e. all that is prohibited by Islamic law). He admonishes you, that you may take heed.[3]

Ibn Katheer comments:

“Allaah orders his servants with justice, which is fairness and equity, and encourages them to be beneficent.”[4]

The Messenger of Allaah – صلى الله عليه و سلم – informed us that Allaah said:

“O My Servants, indeed I have prohibited injustice for Myself, and I have prohibited it amongst you.”[5]

Shaykh ‘Abdul ‘Azeez Aal Ash-Shaykh comments:

“This is general to all mankind, whether they are Muslim or not, it is not permissible for any one person to oppress another, even if they were adversaries or harbored enmity for one another. Enmity and hatred do not authorize anyone in the legislation of Islam to be unjust or oppressive.”

We begin with these statements from Allaah and His Messenger as a reminder for ourselves and an admonition for the brothers at Salafi Publications who have proven to be unjust with the misinformation and lies they are passing to the Scholars, continuously fueling Fitnah to the general masses in the West, diverting them from more important affairs in the religion of Islaam that they need to tend to.

There is an underlying theme in much of the information Salafi Publications present to their audience regarding the statements of the people of knowledge; it can be summarized as follows:

1. They rarely reveal the questions or information they pass on to the scholars; in many instances they conceal the question and present the response. The rare occasions in which they have published such information brings to light the misinformation they are passing on to the people of knowledge.

2. In contrast to the standards applies, they rarely provide the Arabic text or audio for what they are translating. Again, the rare occasions where they have done so reveal evidence of mistranslation or deception concerning the speech of the scholars.

3. They insist on speaking to the people of knowledge in the absence of those they are speaking about, avoiding a situation where the reality of affairs can be clarified or their version of events can be challenged. They follow this method even with those whom they admit are Salafees.

We will provide undeniable evidence for these points, not hollow claims based upon assumptions which are void of any tangible evidence; proving without a shadow of a doubt that Salafi Publications are untrustworthy concerning what they narrate to the public as well as to the people of knowledge.

On one of the rare occasions where the question posed to Shaykh ‘Ubaid al-Jaabiree (may Allaah preserve him) has been published; it reveals not only deception, but that the question was tampered with after it was posed and before being presented to the English speaking audience. In it the questioner asks:

Question: “May Allaah preserve you, this is the fourth question. The questioner says, “[Regarding] our brothers at Maktabah Salafiyyah, recently people in the West began to free themselves from the brothers, either by way of not attending the lessons at the mosque … and likewise, internationally, some of them have websites on the Internet, they have removed the links to the websites of the brothers at Maktabah Salafiyyah. And there are some amongst them who call them, or who accuse them with (being) Ghulaat, (and as a result) they remove the link that is on their site to (the websites of) Maktabah Salafiyyah[6], or they say to Maktabah Salafiyyah remove the link to our site from your site.”

So what is the extent of cooperation that is desirable with our brothers at Maktabah Salafiyyah in Birmingham.”[7]

This is one of the extremely rare occasions that an audio file with the Arabic has been presented along with the question, we would like to make the following observations:

a) The question was introduced as “The Noble Shaykh was asked by the Salafees from Toronto, Canada (TROID)…”, while the reality is that only one person was asking the question. It could be that all the Salafees of Toronto have agreed that this one individual represents them, or that he considers himself to be ‘the Salafees from Toronto’. This deceptive misconception of restricting Salafiyyah to a limited number of people, or person, by referring to themselves/himself with the term ‘the salafees’ has previously been addressed in document 1a.

b) Something has been omitted from the translation and replaced with “…” as can be seen in the question. The omitted phrase is “and people stopped donating to them”. Please note that the question has been tampered with and was not presented in the same way it was posed. Were it not that the audio file was attached, this deception could not have been proven. Tampering with a question by deleting, changing or adding parts to it after it was posed to a scholar totally betrays the trust of conveying knowledge accurately. This type of deception can only be carried out by someone who already understands his guilt by posing a question with false information, which is what led him/them to deceitfully conceal it before publishing it.

If this statement is false; “that people stopped donating to them”, why was it mentioned to the Shaykh in the question? It could only be to create a scenario that Salafi Publications are in a state of poverty and are in dire need of support, which is in line with the rest of the disconsolate aura of the question.

If the statement is true, why has it been deceitfully concealed after it was posed in the question?

Is it not from trustworthiness to narrate and translate accurately? Deliberate omission or tampering with questions after they were posed removes one from being considered as trustworthy in this regard as well as is in his other translations and narrations. Such a person cannot be trusted concerning other information he is narrating especially if the original Arabic sources and audio files are not made available to ascertain the accuracy of translation; which is the great majority of what Salafi Publications produces.

c) “Recently people in the West began to free themselves from the brothers, either by way of not attending the lessons at the mosque … and likewise, internationally…”

Is this statement correct? Were people ‘freeing themselves from Salafi Publications’? Is this the reality that the Shaykh is being informed of?

Let us present some examples of the what they propagated in the West – from their own websites – concerning this affair during roughly the same period this question was being posed to the Mashayikh:

“Just to mention that over the period of the conference:

* An estimated 1,500-2,000 people attended – Which included people from as far as Germany and Holland, masha’Allaah!

* The “SalafiPublications” room on Paltalk reached its capacity of 250 people during some of the lessons….”[8]


“Alhamdu lillaah the conference was a great success. The Masjid was absolutely full…”[9]

In another instance, this post was actually titled:

“Conference gathers thousands! Al-hamdulillaah”[10]

Yet another…

“The Masjid was full beyond capacity – people prayed outside! Both the men’s area and the women’s area was full. The atmosphere was nice, and the weather nice and warm.”[11]

“MashAllaah today the Salafi Publications Live room was also full and another room ‘Maktabas Salafiyyah’ had to be opened!”[12]

And there are many other examples but it should suffice that we present quotes from the period before, during and after this question was posed to the Shaykh – which leads us to ask:

Who is being lied to here, the Mashayikh or the people? Is it that people are abandoning Salafi Publications by way of not attending their lessons both locally and internationally and freeing themselves from them as the question states? Or is it that during their lessons, both locally and internationally the Masjids and Internet rooms are full beyond capacity? Two opposites cannot be true, so which one is it? They are either lying to the public or lying to the scholars. Again, this is undeniable evidence from their own websites.

As a side note of advice, success in Da’wah is achieved by Allaah accepting the efforts, not by the number of people present. Some Messengers had few or no followers, yet they were still successful. The people of Hizbiyyah and innovations may draw huge numbers to their events, yet they are still unsuccessful.

d) “Some of them have websites on the Internet, they have removed the links to the websites of the brothers at Maktabah Salafiyyah”

Again, is this the reality; is it true that websites started removing their links?

If this is the case when the audio file of the questions they are posing is made available, what is happening with that which they conceal and only provide their translated version of? In this rare occasion, is the Shaykh being informed of the reality; that people are freeing themselves from Salafi Publications, abandoning their lessons, refraining from donating to them and deleting their links? Or is there a well-planned strategy being employed to create a picture to the Shaykh in an attempt to extract a favorable response of support, while the contrasting reality is what we have quoted them saying from their own websites?

Towards the East, in Saudi Arabia, the message being relayed is that Salafi Publications is on the verge of collapse unless support is provided – thereby gaining sympathy from some Mashaykh. Towards the West, the message of success is being relayed; that thousands are gathering to the point that neither the Masjids nor the Internet rooms have the capacity to maintain such numbers. Which of the following situations is the reality and why the need to portray two contrasting scenarios to different parties?

In another quote the Shaykh says:

“…that fifteen people left the Maktabah…”[13]

If indeed this were the reality, what is the use of asking such questions or making such complaints to the people of knowledge? What type of response is anticipated by posing such questions or complaints? Wasn’t the saved sect described as being people upon the truth who are not harmed by those who oppose or forsake them as has come in the well known narration, even if only one person were to remain upon the truth? Why complain that people are forsaking them and numbering them to the scholars thereby trying to extract a word of support?

In another example where a question to Shaykh Falaah Isma’eel (may Allaah preserve him) is revealed, he was asked:

“What do you advise those who establish attacks upon this Masjid,”

To which he includes in his response:

“I say that this attack or criticism, just as I said a little while ago, ‘Establish the throne then debate![14]…’”

Again, look at what the Shaykh is being told; yet again Salafi Publications are ‘informing’ the people of knowledge that they are being attacked! So the answer is provided based upon the information presented in the question and it is not the Shaykh who has made this observation himself. Rather, it is Salafi Publications who are deceitfully misinforming the people of knowledge that they are being attacked and they are responding according to what is being stated in the question. This is only a sign of guilt, deception and weakness. Like the Shaykh advised: “Establish the throne [first]!” by providing your evidence, then make accusations! Not make accusations then fail to provide the evidence after being requested to do so. They are only proving that their accusations are hollow and void of evidence. We have previously challenged them to establish the throne and provide evidence for this allegation, but they turned around and realized that there was no throne to establish! So as their argument began crumbling down around them, they found nothing to latch on to except judging peoples’ intentions and spreading malicious gossip and rumors that have reached them from unverifiable and ambiguous sources, along with posting images from websites other than and playing a game of connect the dots which cannot be connected except with twisted lines.

In another question that was posed to Shaykh Muhammad ibn Haadee (may Allaah preserve him). The questioner states[15]:

“Likewise, he was with the jamaa’ah (faction) in Madinah who took up a position against the Maktabah, and announced (and propagated) the likes of these affairs on the Internet on a website called Madeenah.Com.”

Here is another rare occasion where the question posed to the people of knowledge is actually presented to the readers with audio. It is also an example of the misinformation that they pass on.

Where is the evidence for this claim that is being presented? Where exactly has “announced (and propagated)” that they have taken a ‘position against the Maktabah’ on

Again, we request that the exact url link and text be provided for this claim, before or at the time the question was posed, as a claim without proof holds no weight and the burden of proof is upon the claimant. We sincerely hope that they were truthful when speaking to the people of knowledge and present some type of evidence, as we are not requesting it for the mere challenge. If indeed there exists evidence of what they describe with their tongues, then we would like to know where it is. The stark reality is, however, that they have built a case without evidence and their inability to provide the evidence they are being requested to present only confirms this reality. We advise them as well as anyone who asks questions to scholars with the following words from some of the people of knowledge:

Shaykh Saalih Aal ash-Shaykh (may Allaah preserve him) stated:

“…it is befitting for the questioner, rather it is obligatory upon him to fully explain the question to the shaykh he is asking and his intent behind it, he must not be deceitful.”[16]

Shaykh Mis’id al-Husaynee (may Allaah preserve him) stated:

“There are two people whom you must not conceal anything from if you would like to benefit from them; the doctor and the Faqeeh (scholar). Because you may conceal something from them which would have an effect on the response, whether it is from the doctor or the Faqeeh.”[17]

So imagine the case with responses where information is not only being concealed, but misinformation is being presented. Instead of mentioning the reality of the situation in the question to Shaykh Muhammad ibn Haadee (may Allaah preserve him) by saying that some Mashayikh have criticized Salafi Publications and published the material on, the above false scenario is portrayed to the Shaykh. And this is just one example of the blatant misinformation being transmitted to some Mashayikh as has been brought to our attention.

It is also necessary to note the criticism targeted at, in this example, in light of what has already been addressed in documents 1a and 1b. The claimants are not bothered with the content of the criticism published on, i.e. whether or not it is correct, nor who their criticizers are. Their primary concern has been that their group was criticized and a ‘position was taken against them’. If they are not aware of what Hizbiyyah is, then it is cautiously understandable that they are inadvertently falling into it, but what demands serious attention is how they are dangerously cultivating their audience upon it.

Before moving on to provide evidence for deception where the questions were concealed, and being that Salafi Publications are scheduled to be present in Saudi Arabia soon, we would like to address the following point:

If two parties who adhere to the Sunnah dispute, and the affair is taken to the people of knowledge, both parties need to be present. This helps ensure that the situation is presented fairly to the people of knowledge and minimizes the opportunity for those who have agendas to pass on misinformation and lies. Thus far in this case, one side is respecting the truth and the etiquette of criticism by providing firm evidence for inaccuracies, lies and misinformation being passed on to the scholars, while the other is only providing hollow allegations void of any direct evidence, expecting that this will be accepted just because they say it is so.

Strange indeed it is that Salafi Publications claim that students are lying about them, yet in their yearly visits to Madeenah they have not once requested that the students be present in their visits to the people of knowledge to expose their lies. To the contrary, it was some of the translators from who initiated the meeting which took place in Shaykh Khaalid ar-Radaadee’s home where both parties were present – as was Shaykh ‘Abdullaah al-Bukhaaree. The evidence was presented to them privately and not once did they challenge it or claim that it was lies. Rather they admitted their faults and promised to write a retraction that subsequently never materialized.[18]

Likewise in their previous visit to Madeenah last year, one of the translators contacted Abu Khadeejah both by phone and email and invited him to resolve this issue with the scholars of his choice, however, he declined stating that he does not have the time for it. Stranger it is that he has time to write page after page and engage in discussion after discussion concerning this affair, yet when given the opportunity to do so in the presence of the scholars and translators, he seems not to have the time for it. It is sad to see this state of affairs concerning the Da’wah, yet when a call is made for both parties to sit together with the scholars in order to deal with the affair, it is totally avoided by one party. The irony increases when are then accused of using scholars for their own political agendas, when the evidence in this email makes it clear that not only were they willing to sit with the scholars to address these affairs, a request was actually initiated by to Salafi Publications during their visit to Madeenah to settle this affair with the scholars of their choice. The email can be found in the appendix[19]. And we now request, once again, in their current visit to Madeenah, to repeat their allegations against the site and its translators in the presence of both parties.

Let them claim that attacks the Salafees and allow Shaykh Khaalid ar-Raddaadee the opportunity to respond to this blatant lie, being that it was he who mentioned them on the site and requested his material to be published.

Let them claim that Shaykh Waseeullaah is being lied to, used and influenced by the translators, and let it be Shaykh Waseeullaah himself who responds to this allegation and clarify his stance towards them directly, as he himself said; ‘I debated them in every minor and major issue and found them to be erroneous.’ He has agreed that he is willing to be present when they repeat such claims about him in the presence of other Mashayikh, all they need to do is provide us with the dates when they will be addressing these issues and we will be there insha’Allaah.

Let them bring real evidence, not the connect-the-dots-with-twisted-lines game, for their claim that defends, promotes, and cooperates with “enemies of the da’wah”. Provide the exact url link and quote where supports and cooperates with hizbees and innovators. Until then, we leave the reader with what the supervisor of this site, Shaykh Khaalid ar-Raddaadee (may Allaah preserve him), has said concerning the issue of holding the website and its contributors responsible for actions specific to an individual translator.

The Shaykh (may Allaah preserve him) said[20], “…the website is not responsible whatsoever for statements and actions specific to any particular translator. Rather the avenue of sincere advice remains open if it is indeed established that he has made a mistake deserving of admonition. Thus, it is totally incorrect that the website or the rest of the translators are held responsible for activities specific to a particular translator. is only responsible for that which is published on the website.”

He further added, “The allegations of Salafi Publications that we defend these organizations is a lie which has no truth to it. Their pathetic efforts to link [] to Jami’yyah Ahl al-Hadeeth because of a particular translator delivering a lecture with someone else who delivers lectures in a Masjid connected to the Jami’yyah, or other forms of inadequate proof, is simply a futile attempt to link together that which is not connected.”

And to Allaah alone belongs all praise.

To be continued…

Prepared by:
Abu ‘Abdul-Waahid Nadir Ahmed
Abu ‘Abdur-Razzaaq Tahir Wyatt
Abu ‘Abdullaah Mohammed Akhtar Chaudhry

Have you read Part A, Part B and Part D yet?

Uncovering the Absurdities behind the Claim of ‘Attacking the Salafees’ – A

Uncovering the Absurdities behind the Claim of ‘Attacking the Salafees’ – B

Uncovering the Absurdities behind the Claim of ‘Attacking the Salafees’ – D


[1] Al-Maa’idah: 8

[2] Tafseer at-Tabaree (6/141)

[3] An Nahl: 90

[4] Tafseer Ibn Katheer (4/595)

[5] Saheeh Muslim (2577)

[6] It is strange that they accuse others of the tactics they employ themselves, which is another underlying theme we have noticed; they criticize others due to suspecting them of doing exactly what they themselves are guilty of.








[14] This statement is used in Arabic when one thing is conditional upon another thing happening first. The Shaykh is saying, “Bring the evidence, then debate.”


[16] Adab al-Suaal: P.42


[18] Shaykh Khaalid ar-Raddaadee, may Allaah preserve him, stated after giving up on their long awaited clarification that they had promised him to write after this meeting: “And so we had given them advice, and they promised us that they would write something to show that they have retracted from a lot of these issues, and we are still waiting for them to proclaim publicly their retraction as well as their Taubah from some issues and errors that they fell into.”

[19] Specimen of First eMail sent to Abu Khadeejah

From: **************
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 2:21 PM
Cc: *******; ***********; ***********;

As salaamu ‘Alaykum wa Rahmatullah,

My brother in Islaam and Salafiyyah; Abu Khadeejah, It has reached me that you have had a sitting with the brothers of Canada, I am addressing you concerning this directly since it seems that you are addressing everyone else except those directly involved who are also present here during your visits.

From what has reached me of your speech, I say that you have told lies to these brothers, if their narrations are accurate, or at best greatly twisted the truth, which is extremely disappointing when put alongside your claims of giving Da’wah for so long upon the path of our beloved Mashayikh. I would like to request that you to repeat your statements in my presence and in the presence of the three Mashayikh involved, that is Shaykh Muhammad, Shaykh ‘Abdullah, and Shaykh Khaalid may Allaah preserve them all. You can also bring along whom you wish amongst those who have narrated these lies to you and I too will invite some of the brothers who are directly involved in these issues.

Being that you are still here, now would be a good opportunity to do this, so that all involved can hear the opinions of the Mashayikh directly and that they may direct all of us to what Allaah loves and is pleased with. I am not writing you this so that you may respond to me or that this keeps going back and forth between the two or more of us. I am writing this so that this issue may be taken to the scholars, and that the truth is ascertained from falsehood in their presence and that a solution is provided from them, not us.

Awaiting your response.

Barak Allaahu feek.

Abu ‘Abdul Waahid


Specimen of second eMail sent to Abu Khadeejah

From: **************
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2010 12:14 AM
Cc: *******; ***********; ***********;
Subject: RE:

As salaamu alaykum,

I am writing you brothers this after speaking with Abu Khadeejah on the phone, being that he has denied saying some of the things that were related to me and declined to sit with the Mashayikh concerning these issues which was the reason why I called him.

This is what I remember from the conversation, this is out of memory and he is free to correct me if he likes. I am writing this so that the qeel and qaal narrations can come to an end and everything can be put out in the open for all to see.

I told him that I would like him to repeat the allegations he ‘supposedly’ made about me and in front of the Mashayikh mentioned earlier, he said that he has no time for this.

I told him that he has time to sit and speak about this for 2 hours with others yet he has no time to sit and discuss it with the mashayikh?

I told him that he has spoken about me personally, he said that since I seem to have already made up my mind about that and I came to a decision then there is nothing to say. Which implies that the narrations that reached me were untrue.

I told him obviously I wasn’t there to hear it myself so this is what was said to me by more than one brother, he said I should have clarified (the obvious) from the beginning.

I said that he claims that I defend the jamieeyah amongst other things.

He said that all that he said was that there was no evidence for the allegations made on, and that the fatwa online mailing list puts out events by the jamiyyah, and he spoke about the lies that were told to Shaykh Waseeullaah ‘Abbass, may Allaah preserve him, in Birmingham.

I told him that if he wants Islaah that we can bring all this up with the mashayikh so that they give a final solution to this issue.

He said I already had my chance and he is not interested and has no time for a sitting on these issues and he was not happy with the way it went the last time.

He said that if the evidence was brought then he is willing to sit. The issue is, I am not asking him to sit with the Mashayikh to discuss what has already happened years ago or to bring criticisms forward, I am asking him to bring his present mulahadhaat and criticisms about me, fatwaonline and that he is currently spreading to the mashayikh in our presence.

I would have liked to ask him about other things that he supposedly said but after I let him finish what he had to say he told me that he has to go and cannot speak anymore as something came up.

I pray that the truth is made manifest and that Allaah blesses all those involved to give up all personal issues and put the truth before them and follow it. I advise all the brothers to discard all that they are hearing and to ask the Mashayikh themselves who have been involved with this from the start and take their directions from them if they need clarification on these matters, and to busy themselves with beneficial knowledge and take their salafiyyah from the Mashayikh of Salafiyyah who are around them.


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