Because some youths begin by reading the profiles of misguided groups, and perhaps, they may fall into many errors. We hope you can direct us concerning this.
Category: Topic
Our Obligation towards Syria and its Muslims
A similar crime to the one committed in Syria has not been known throughout contemporary and present history, only Allaah knows [the true extent] of it
Burma: A Reflection of the Muslim World
We would like some words of advice from you to the Muslims regarding the current massacre and ethnic cleansing of our Muslim brothers by the Buddhists of Burma
Rights of our Beloved Prophet (Sal Allaahu alayhi wasallam) over his Ummah – 1
This Prophet was sent as a mercy not just to Muslims but to the whole of mankind; he was sent to guide the people from the worship of creation to the worship of the Creator.
“I do not feel I have benefited” from seeking knowledge
I sought knowledge for a number of years, and despite that, I have not retained any of the information, and nor do I feel I have benefited; So what do you advise me with?
Teaching in the mosques of those who speak ill of Salafees
Our noble Shaykh, we have experienced strong interest from many masaajid wanting to benefit from the students of knowledge who have graduated from the Islamic University…
The Truth is more beloved to us
However, Allah has bestowed upon the man (Shaykh Naasir) the favor of the knowledge of Hadeeth and Salafiyyah. In addition to this we love him for the sake of Allaah.
Bathing in water which has been recited upon
I recite the legislated ruqyah (invocation) upon water, and then drink from it, and also bathe with it. So, is there anything wrong in [using this water for] bathing?
The concept of Tamyee’ & forcing people to adopt a stance
It is not correct for anybody to attribute to the methodology of the Salaf: [the mentality of:] ‘whosoever does not tread on this chaotic path’ as being: ‘mumayyi’’ (one who dilutes).
The Muslims are tired
From amongst the causes [of differing]: Fanaticism, being fanatical to a specific group, being fanatical to a specific individual, or being fanatical to a specific opinion.
The legislated interpretation of the night time
Eminent Shaykh, from which [time] is the middle of the night calculated, is it from sunset (maghrib) or after the ‘ishaa prayer?
Sincere advice to a father who does not pray
And also, his father does not pray, and when he advises him, he says: I know more than you. So what do you advise he does?
The Importance of Verifying information – 5
I advise all of my brothers to verify whatever is spread by the people regarding the scholars and other than them
The Importance of Verifying information – 4
Some of the Du’aat accuse another Daa’ee; if they are then asked regarding this, they will say: ‘a man who is known for his knowledge and trustworthiness narrated it to us.’
The Importance of Verifying Information – 3
Is the narration of the trustworthy person accepted without any exceptions and without verification?