The Prophet lived his life calling to Allaah in earnest; If one considers his life as a preacher, he will come to realise how he employed specific methodologies in Calling to Allaah.
Category: Topic
How to deal with “hizbiyyeen” amongst the common Muslims
What therefore is the principle used in dealing with the common ‘hizbiyeen’?
How to Become a Caller to Islaam
I desire from Allaah to become a daa’iyah (caller) to Allaah (‘, so what do you advise me with in terms of reading books, or listening to (audio) cassettes or other than that?
How can a person become aware of his own shortcomings and weaknesses?
There are four ways by which a person can realise his own shortcomings and weaknesses…
It is the Sunnah to pray the Eid Prayer outdoors
It is the Sunnah of the Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) and his virtuous Companions (may Allaah to pray the Eid Prayers in a Musallah (an outdoor Prayer Area) and not inside the Masjid.
Letter of gratitude from Shaykh Ibn Baz to King Hussein of Jordan
A letter from Shaykh Ibn Baz to King Husayn, advising him to implement the Sharee’ah in Jordan
Ramadhan Preparation
What is your advice for the Muslims, while we prepare for this virtuous month?
The trend of testing people according to personalities
Shaykh Fawzaan is asked about the trend of making imithaan (testing people) according to personalities and making rulings on people based on their stances.
The Companionship of a Righteous Wife
The righteous woman will remain in the company of her husband – if he is a righteous man – for many years. She is the ‘enjoyment’ that the Messenger spoke about
Advice regarding dealing with differences about individuals
For this reason I forbid the youth that the basis of their disputes and arguments be regarding a specific personality, no matter who he is.
What type of democracy is this!?
Eastern & western countries emphasized & promoted democracy and human rights at a time when human life is being demeaned, & people in some countries face all sorts of tribulations.
Tolerance & Patience in matters of Differences of Opinion
Your opinion does not become proof against one who differs with you, because if we were to accept this, then we would also accept the opposite.
Contemplate, then Repent
Do you not want to be from amongst those whom Allaah loves?
Do you not want Allaah to forgive you?
Making the “V” for victory sign
Some of the soldiers raise their index and middle finger taking the form of the [Arabic] number seven (“V”) as a sign of victory. What is the ruling regarding that?
Being Reckless in Jarh wa Ta’deel is a Door to Evil
Indeed a gateway to evil has been opened in these days. What is it? An evil affair; it is the matter of ‘Jarh wa Ta’deel’ for students of knowledge.