Teaching in the mosques of those who speak ill of Salafees

Question: Our noble Shaykh, we have experienced strong interest from many masaajid wanting to benefit from the students of knowledge who have graduated from the Islamic University [of Madeenah]. However, the administration of these masaajid may have previously spoken inappropriately about some Salafees. This inappropriate speech has many reasons, perhaps the most important of them is: their ignorance regarding the truth, as well as the bad reputation of some of those who ascribe to knowledge. This is a result of them (some Salafees) being hasty and not taking into consideration the potential benefits and harms.

However, now – and all praise is due to Allaah – we find the opportunity open for us. These people are our own people, and we want to benefit and teach them some of what Allaah (the Exalted) has taught us.

Is it permissible for us to give lectures and lessons in their masaajid? Keeping in mind that some of our brothers prevent this by comparing these masaajid to ‘hizbee’ organisations and then applying the ruling of some of our scholars about such organisations to the [aforementioned] masaajid.

What is your advice to us? May Allaah preserve you and direct you to being correct.”

Response: All praise is due to Allaah. Allaah (the most High) said,

{And warn your tribe (O Muhammad) of near kindred} [26:214]

O my brothers – the students of knowledge: The obligation upon you in the United States of America or in other non-Islamic countries wherein the brothers reside and where the majority of people are not upon Islaam – the obligation upon them is to establish the Da’wah to Allaah upon insight, and strive to do your utmost in doing so.

They must seek the needs of their Muslim brothers, in teaching them the matters of Aqeedah (belief), Fiqh, Sunnah and the other types of beneficial knowledge. You must strive and do your utmost best in this; you have to sacrifice those things that are precious to you as well as valuable time in order to fulfil this noble objective – which is Da’wah to Allaah (the Glorified and Most high).

Allaah (the Most High) said,

{And who is better in speech than he who calls to Allaah, does righteous deeds, and says: “I am one of the Muslims”} [41:33]

The Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) said,

Propagate from me, even if it be one ayah (verse) [1]

The Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) said,

May Allaah enlighten the one who heard my speech, understood it and then transmitted it as he heard it. [2]

The obligation upon the students of knowledge to whom Allaah has provided them with beneficial knowledge is to pay its Zakaah by teaching it to the people. Allaah has promised much goodness for the one who is like this. The most important of this promised good is two matters:

Firstly, that he is actually worshipping Allaah upon knowledge. Allaah (the Most High) said,

{Say (O Muhammad): “”This is my way; I invite unto Allaah with sure knowledge…} [12:108]

So he calls the people to the Sunnah, Tawheed and to the methodology of the Salaf.
Secondly, he will have the same reward of everybody who followed and benefitted from him; nothing will be deducted from either of their reward.

The Messenger of Allaah (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam said) said,

Whoever calls to guidance will receive the same reward as the one who follows him, nothing will be deducted from their reward. [3]

Regarding these Masaajid wherein you find many common Muslims and a lack of students of knowledge, then it is Islamically obligatory upon us to look after these Masaajid; advising, teaching, directing them to traverse the methodology of the Salaf and calling the people to the Sunnah. [We must direct them] to strive and do their utmost in those actions that will bring them closer to Allaah (the Glorified and most High).

Allaah said,

{…and let not the hatred of a people toward you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just, that is closer to Taqwa} [05:08]

So if some of them have made [erroneous] statements due to being hasty, not understanding the methodology, ignorance or due to some rumours , then none of this should be a barrier preventing you from propagating the da’wah and visiting those Masaajid.

The above ruling has certain conditions:

Firstly: This opportunity is not exploited in calling to anybody who has a deviated way or inclination.

So if you think that the opportunity will be exploited for this purpose, then remain distant from it and search for other places where Allaah will cause you to be of benefit.

Secondly: That we do not partake in any of the specific practices of the hizbiyeen and the innovators in any way – directly or indirectly.

Thirdly: The one who propagates the Da’wah should have knowledge of what he is saying, understanding that which he calls to, knows the state of the people he is preaching to and he should realise that every situation has a specific manner of speech [in dealing with it]. He should strive to inform the people regarding their religion, especially the new Muslims.

The fact that those people do not know the methodology of the Salaf, they are upon their original state (fitrah) (i.e., free from any deviation) or they have not tasted its sweetness, then this is more of an obligation upon us to explain to them the true methodology so that they can traverse it and take it as guidance. We have to pay more attention to teaching the Aqeedah (belief) and the true methodology. We have to seek the help of the Senior Scholars, even if it is via tele-link lectures. Hopefully, Allaah will cause them to benefit from that.

So if the above conditions are fulfilled, then you should go to these Masaajid and propagate the Da’wah.

There is a difference between the one who enters into the ranks of the hizbiyeen – promoting for them and being exploited to increase their numbers – [there is a difference between this type of person] and the one who goes to their Masaajid in order to deliver lectures whilst maintaining the correct methodology and without dissolving and weakening His religion amongst those who go astray from the true path and from what is correct.

For example, we may even go to some places out of necessity, where there are certain criticisms upon them; rather we may even go to the non-Muslims, in order to call them to Allaah (the Exalted). This is, as I have mentioned, by conforming to the above conditions, so that nobody else can exploit our Da’wah, and so that we do not assimilate or abandon the true methodology.

Similarly we do not trail behind the people of ‘al-Muwaazanaat,’ those who seek to honour the innovators. They say: ‘if you want to refute the innovator then you must firstly mention his good deeds.’ This is a false methodology from amongst the innovated methodologies which the people who seek to gather people were established upon. They say, ‘We will unite on those things we agree upon and excuse each other on those issues of difference.’ This is a corrupt principle.

So, like I have mentioned, these conditions maintained. If you fulfil these conditions, then go to any Masjid.

I recall that in some of our travels for Da’wah we visited places where the people had some mistakes, rather they had innovations, we even may go to the non-Muslims – but it is a must to fulfil these matters (the above conditions).

The situation in the countries where the majority are non-Muslim is different to the situation in some of the Muslim countries whereby Islaam is widespread and the true methodology is being spread.

You must pay attention to the potential benefits and harms even in what we say and what we speak about, so that we may not cause harm to our Da’wah. This, along with, remaining firm upon the true methodology and not being deficient in this regard – as I have made clear.

Allaah is the One who guides to the best of paths.


[1] The Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) said, ‘Propagate from me, even if it be an ayah; narrate from Banee Israeel, there is no problem with this; whoever lied upon me intentionally, then let him prepare his seat in the Fire.’ [Narrated by Abdullah bin Amr; Collected by Al-Bukhaaree]
[2] Narrated by Zayd bin Thaabit; Collected by Abu Dawood & at-Tirmidhi
[3] Narrated by Abu Mas’ood; Collected by Muslim” Naveed Ayaaz, Abul Abbaas


He is a graduate of the Islamic University of Madeenah, having graduated from the Institute of Arabic Language, and later the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 2010. He currently resides in Nelson, Lancashire and is the Imam of Masjid Sunnah.

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