A forgotten Sunnah after sneezing, and an incident with Shaykh Ibn Baz in his house.
Category: Manners & Morals
An authentic Hadith regarding pride and arrogance
Whoever has an atom’s weight of arrogance in his heart, will not enter Paradise… Arrogance is to reject the truth and belittle people.
Download: Hilyah Talib al-ilm [Arabic & English]
Arabic and English pdf of “Hilyat Talib al-ilm” authored by Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd. Translated title: Etiquettes of the Student of Knowledge.
A Scandalous Trait: Broadcasting Private Messages
There is an unfortunate trait that has been noticed from some zealous youth who lack both manners and knowledge; It is publicizing private correspondences in the name of refutations
Accompany good people
There is nothing more destructive upon a person, or more beneficial to a person, than his friend
Not befitting for us to claim Knowledge or Actions, nor Da’wah
That is because Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala – He is the One who knows the true reality of [His] servants, and it is not befitting for us to claim knowledge or actions, nor da’wah.
Pointing one’s feet towards the Qiblah
Some people say that to place the feet in the direction of the Qiblah whilst sitting in the Masjid is something that is not permissible, and it is from bad manners
Conceal the sins of your Muslim brother
Some patients visit me after having drunk intoxicants or taken drugs. This then results in them committing certain prohibited acts such as adultery and homosexuality. Should I inform [the authorities]?
Once again: O Ahlus-Sunnah, be gentle with Ahlus-Sunnah
This treatise is specifically important for the students of knowledge, do not pay attention to what the owners of certain meagre websites will say regard- ing it; they only criticise this type of treatise out of arrogance
Beware of those who call to themselves! – Shaykh Suhaymee’s visit to al-Albani
The rabbani scholar does not call [the people] to make taqdees of him and does not call them to be attached to him.
Be a Key to Goodness
Indeed from among the people are those who are keys to goodness and closures of evil. And indeed from among the people are keys to evil and closures to goodness