A fabricated yet widespread story amongst the common muslims that Al-Hassan Ibn Alee (may Allah be pleased with them both) married and divorced up to 100 women.
Category: Student Research
Contemplations Regarding the Hajj 2015 Tragedy
Despite everything which has been stated above, and how Allaah decreed honour for them in their last moments, rather in their martyrdom inshaAllah. However this does not mean that we do not grieve over their deaths and feel hurt.
Statements of the Scholars about the First Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah
It has also been narrated upon (bn Abbaas that he said: Do not turn out your lamps during the nights of the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah
Is ‘Aqeedah an innovated term that has no basis in the Sunnah?
Various doubts are mentioned to belittle the blessed of Tawheed. Amongst the people of doubts and desires is Hassan Farhaan al-Maaliki Ar-Raafidhee Az-Zindeeq who claimed that the word ‘Aqeedah is an innovated term…
Do Muslims worship the Ka’bah?
Do Muslims worship the Ka’bah? Do they worship a meteorite? Is the Black Stone an idol?
Sujood ash-Shukr: Rules, Regulations & Innovations
This article details rules and regulations relating to Sujood ash-Shukr, as well as mentioning some innovations and a well known fabricated narration that has been taken from the Shia.
O ‘Aashiq e Rasool… do you have no shame?
‘Aashiq e Rasool; a name we hear people often applying to themselves, when expressing their love for the Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam)
The reward for taking care of the needs of people
The most beloved action to Allaah (the Majestic and Exalted) is happiness that you bring to a Muslim, and that you are an avenue of benefit to the rest of creation
Common Arabic and English Proverbs
A number of well-known English proverbs which have been adopted in English and translated from Arabic, or are very similar to Arabic proverbs
All of Surah Fatihah is about Tawhid
Soorah Faatihah is the first Soorah in the Qur’an. It exemplifies how all of the Qur’an is Tahweed, and how it is the most important message of the Qur’an.
Ebola, Corona Virus, MERS, bird flu – an Islamic Perspective
There is much broadcasted in the media regarding ever increasing global outbreaks, pandemics and epidemics. How should a Muslim react to such events?
The Day of ‘Arafah – The Day that Allah completed His favour Upon us
A day preferred over all other days; a day in which sins are forgiven and supplications are answered; a day in which Allaah descends from His throne…
The Responsibility of the People of Knowledge – Scholars, Students & Callers
You should know that Shaytaan is not able to prevail over a society except when the people of knowledge are lost, or when they remain silent and do not clarify the truth to the people
The Difference between the ‘Haudh’ and the ‘Kawthar’
What is the pond of Haudh, and what is the difference between it and the river of Kauthar?
Prophetic Methodologies in Da’wah (Calling to Allaah)
The Prophet lived his life calling to Allaah in earnest; If one considers his life as a preacher, he will come to realise how he employed specific methodologies in Calling to Allaah.