Why are we upon this earth? Why were we created? What is the reason behind our existence?
Tag: fitnah
Have Mercy Upon Salafiyyah…
A monumental advice by Shaykh Badr Ibn Alee Al-Utaybee to the Salafees with regards to their conduct and disunity, and the effect it is having on the Da’wah. Both the Arabic and English are included.
This is the era of Fitan
A Friday Khutbah explaining the various tribulations and calamities afflicting the Ummah
Advice for an age in which fitnah has increased
With what do you advise us during this age in which fitan have increased, & the people of innovation have become widespread, & [as we witness] the passing away of the scholars?
The Muslims are tired
A lecture given by ash-Shaykh al-Allaamah Saalih ibn Sa’d as-Suhaymee concerning the constant Fitnah amongst those who ascribe to Salafiyyah.
The Wise Imaam
The Imaam would [take to account and] punish those who smoked [tobacco] – [this was at the time] when [smoking] first appeared [in the Arabian Peninsula] – about 250 years ago.
The Muslims are tired
From amongst the causes [of differing]: Fanaticism, being fanatical to a specific group, being fanatical to a specific individual, or being fanatical to a specific opinion.
The Ignorant delving into issues of Fitnah
How do we distinguish between when it is blameworthy to remain silent about afflictions and when it is praiseworthy to abstain from discussing/delving into them?
They did not differ until after knowledge came to them
Why does this differing take place if indeed their Lord is one, their Messenger is one, their religion is one and their common objectives are the same?