5 basic principles that tawhid al-asma was-siffat (tawhid of the names and attributes of Allah) are based upon.
Tag: Aqeedah
Workbook: Nawaqid-al-Islam
A workbook that can be downloaded and printed when studying Nawaqid al-Islam (the Invalidators of Islam)
Workbook: Thalāthat al-Usūl wa adillatuhā (Three Principles & Their Proofs))
The treatise “al-Usul ath-Thalatha” (The 3 Fundamental Principles) authored by Muhammad Ibn AbdulWahhab, set out in a workbook format for students.
Workbook: Haiyyah Ibn Abi Dawud
The poem “Haiyyah Ibn Abi Dawud” authored by Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Dawud, containing the Aqeedah of Ahl as-Sunnah, set out in a workbook format for students.
Workbook: I’tiqad Aimmat al-Hadith (The Creed of the Imaams of Hadith)
The treatise “I’tiqad aimmat al-Hadith” (The creed of the Imaams of Hadith) authored by Al-Hafidh Abu Bakr al-Isma’ili (d:371h), set out in a workbook format for students.
Workbook: al-Usul as-sittah (The 6 Fundamental Principles)
The treatise “Six Fundamental Principles” authored by Muhammad Ibn AbdulWahhab, set out in a workbook format for students.
Workbook: Arba’ qawā’id tadūr al-ahkām ‘alayhā
Four important principles clarifying how we should interact with the evidences and rulings of the Sharī’ah.
Workbook: Lamiyyah of Ibn Taymiyyah
16 verses of poetry attributed to Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, authored in reply to a person who questioned him regarding his Aqīdah.
Annotated Explanation of the Three Fundamental Principles
An explanation of the treatise ‘Al-Usool Ath-Thalaatha’ which can be used as a teaching resource in lessons, institutes and Masaajid in studying Aqeedah.
Gateway to Understanding Aqeedah, Fiqh, Seerah & Tafseer
A comprehensive book which can be used as a teaching resource in lessons, institutes and Masaajid in studying Aqeedah, Fiqh, Seerah and Tafseer.
A concise explanation of four basic texts of Aqeedah [35 Lessons]
Audio series in which a brief synopsis, breakdown and benefits of four basic texts on Tawheed are studied.
Important lessons for every Muslim [30 Lessons]
A series of lessons in explaining “Ad-Duroos Al-Muhimma Li ‘Aamatal Ummah” (Important lessons for the general Ummah) by Shaykh Ibn Baaz
Explanation of Aqeedah Ar-Raaziyayn [15 Lessons]
A series of lessons explaining the treatise known as Aqeedah Ar-Raaziyayn, consisting of the Aqeedah which the Salaf agreed upon.
Four Principles that the Religion is based upon [5 Lessons]
These four principles are of utmost importance, every Muslim must abide by them for the safety of their religion.
Is ‘Aqeedah an innovated term that has no basis in the Sunnah?
Various doubts are mentioned to belittle the blessed of Tawheed. Amongst the people of doubts and desires is Hassan Farhaan al-Maaliki Ar-Raafidhee Az-Zindeeq who claimed that the word ‘Aqeedah is an innovated term…