How does an ill person pray?


1. It is obligatory upon an ill person to pray the Fard (Obligatory) Prayer standing – even if he has to lean against a wall or a stick due to the necessity of relying upon it.

2. If he is not able to stand: he should pray sitting. The best manner is to sit cross-legged in those positions he would ordinarily stand and make Rukū’ (bowing).

3. If he is not able to pray sitting: he should pray lying on his side, facing the Qiblah; lying on the right hand side is better.

* If he is not able to face the Qiblah: he can pray in the direction he is facing by default – his prayer will be correct in this situation and he does not have to repeat it.

4. If he is not able to pray lying on his side: he should pray lying on his back with his legs pointing towards the Qiblah. It is better to slightly raise his head in order to face the Qiblah.

If, however he is unable to point his legs in the direction of the Qiblah: he can pray in any direction and he does not have to repeat his prayer.

5. It is obligatory upon an ill person to perform the Rukū’ and Sujūd (prostration) in his prayer. If he is not able to perform them: he can move his head to symbolise this. He should lower his head more for the Sujūd than he would for the Rukū’.

* If he is able to perform the Rukū’ properly but not the Sujūd: he should perform the Rukoo’ as he would ordinarily, and then move his head for the Sujūd.

If he is able to perform the Sujūd properly and not the Rukū’: he should perform the Sujūd as he would ordinarily and the move his head for the Rukū’.

6. If he is not able to move his head in order to symbolise bowing and prostrating, he can instead move his eyes by closing them slightly to symbolise Rukū’, and closing them more to symbolise Sujūd.

* As for pointing the finger, like some ill people do, this is not correct. I do not know any evidence for it from the Book, Sunnah nor from the statements of the scholars.

7. If he is not able to move neither his head nor his eyes: he should pray with his heart – he says the Takbīr, recites and then makes an intention for the bowing, prostration, standing and sitting. For every person is what he intended.

8. It is obligatory upon the ill person to pray every prayer in its allocated time, and to try to complete all its obligations to the best of his ability.

* If it is difficult for him to pray each prayer in its time: he is allowed to combine between the Ẓuhr and ‘Aṣr prayer, and also between the Maghrib and ‘Ishā prayer.

He can bring forward the ‘Aṣr prayer and combine it with Dhuhr, and similarly bring forward the Ishā prayer and combine it with Maghrib. [1]

Alternatively, he can delay his Ẓuhr prayer and combine it with ‘Aṣr, and also delay his Maghrib prayer with ‘Ishā. He should do whatever is easy for him.

As for the Fajr prayer, it is not combined with anything before or after it.

9. If an ill person is travelling to a different country in order to treat his illness, he should shorten the prayers that contain four units. So he prays Ẓuhr, ‘Aṣr and ‘Ishā with only two units. He should shorten his prayer until he returns back to his country irrespective of how much or little time he spends on the journey.

Allāh is the One who truly guides.

Written by the one in need of Allāh,
Muḥammad Ibn Ṣāliḥ al-Uthaymīn.

9/1/1403 h (Corresponding to 26th October, 1982)


[1] An ill person is permitted to combine between the Prayers if in difficulty, however he is not permitted to shorten the Prayers, this allowance is only for a travelling person.

كيف يصلي المريض؟


1 – يجب على المريض أن يصلي الفريضة قائمًا ولو منحنيًا أو معتمدًا على جدار أو عصا يحتاج إلى الاعتماد عليه.

2 – فإن كان لا يستطيع القيام صلى جالسًا، والأفضل أن يكون متربعًا في موضع القيام والركوع.

3 – فإن كان لا يستطيع الصلاة جالسًا صلى على جنبه متوجهًا إلى القبلة والجنب الأيمن أفضل، فإن لم يتمكن من التوجه إلى القبلة صلى حيث كان اتجاهه وصلاته صحيحة ولا إعادة عليه.

4 – فإن كان لا يستطيع الصلاة على جنبه صلى مستلقيًا رجلاه إلى القبلة، والأفضل أن يرفع رأسه قليلاً ليتجه إلى القبلة، فإن لم يستطع أن تكون رجلاه إلى القبلة؛ صلى حيث كانت، ولا إعادة عليه.

5 – يجب على المريض أن يركع ويسجد في صلاته، فإن لم يستطع أومأ بهما برأسه ويجعل السجود أخفض من الركوع، فإن استطاع الركوع دون السجود ركع حال الركوع وأومأ بالسجود. وإن استطاع السجود دون الركوع سجد حال السجود وأومأ بالركوع

6 – فإن كان لا يستطيع الإيماء برأسه في الركوع والسجود؛ أشار بعينيه فيغمض قليلاً للركوع، ويغمض تغميضًا أكثر للسجود، وأما الإشارة بالأصبع كما يفعله بعض المرضى فليس بصحيح، ولا أعلم له أصلاً من الكتاب والسنة ولا من أقوال أهل العلم.

7 – فإن كان لا يستطيع الإيماء بالرأس ولا الإشارة بالعين صلى بقلبه فيكبر ويقرأ وينوي الركوع والسجود والقيام والقعود بقلبه ولكل امرئ ما نوى.

8 – يجب على المريض أن يصلي كل صلاة في وقتها ويفعل كل ما يقدر عليه مما يجب فيها، فإن شق عليه فعْلُ كل صلاة في وقتها فله الجمع بين الظهر والعصر، وبين المغرب والعشاء إما جمع تقديم بحيث يقدم العصر إلى الظهر، والعشاء إلى المغرب، وإما جمع تأخير بحيث يؤخر الظهر إلى العصر، والمغرب إلى العشاء حسبما يكون أيسر له. أما الفجر فلا تجمع لما قبلها ولا لما بعدها.

9 – إذا كان المريض مسافرًا يعالج في غير بلده فإنه يقصر الصلاة الرباعية فيصلي الظهر والعصر والعشاء على ركعتين ركعتين حتى يرجع إلى بلده سواء طالت مدة سفره أم قصرت.

والله الموفق.

كتبه الفقير إلى الله محمد الصالح العثيمين

في 9/1/1403هـ

He is a graduate of the Islaamic University of Madeenah, having graduated from the Institute of Arabic Language, and later the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 2010. He currently resides in Nelson, Lancashire and is the Imam of Masijd Sunnah.

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