Is it permissible for Muslims residing in a non-Islaamic country to form a committee responsible for determining [the sighting of] the crescent of Ramadhan, Shawaal & Dhul Hijjah?
Category: Topic
Preparation for Ramadhan
There are things that are impermissible for the one fasting [to do] even though they do not nullify his fast. They are called “Mufattiraat Ma’nawiyyah” (figurative nullifiers).
Criticizing some of the Du‘aat
Some students of knowledge have directed certain criticisms towards a specific group of individuals from amongst the Du‘aat who have have fallen into mistakes related to Manhaj.
Salafee Mashayikh and Their Books
O Shaykh, can you name for us some of the books that are upon the methodology of the Salaf, that are necessary for the young Salafee to acquire and add to his book collection?
Shiddah and Ghuloo
As for the Mutashaddidoon, (those who are harsh and severe), then it is possible that they are deprived of these qualities, or some of them…
The Ruling regarding Cursing the Sinner
What is the ruling of cursing the sinner of [the command of] Allaah in a certain matter, even if the sin was minor?
The Best Books on Tawheed
What is the best book for studying Tawheed and the Islaamic ‘Aqeedah and how can a person obtain it?
Al-Ikhwaan Al-Muslimoon
They are the followers of Hasan Al Bannaa, and there are certain critical points of observation that all to be made against their Manhaj
Judging between the People based upon Ignorance
What is the ruling regarding the one who judges between the people based upon ignorance (i.e. whilst he is unqualified to do so)?
The Asl of the Muslim
And they approve of people based upon this [principle], or they say “The Asl of people is [that they are upon] the Sunnah.” So what is the ruling concerning the one who says this?
Differentiating between Jarh wa Ta’deel & ar-Radd ‘alal-Mukhaalif
It thereby becomes obvious to the reader that the Qur‘aan and the Sunnah warned against everything that was considered as a harm to Islaam and the Muslims.
The way of the Messenger in calling non-Muslims to Islam
Proceed with calmness and tranquility up until you enter their land, then invite them to Islaam and inform them of what Allaah the Most High has made obligatory upon them.
Disbelievers entering the Masjid
As it relates to non Muslims entering the Masjid, there are those who claim that it’s permissible for them to enter the Masjids, perhaps Allaah will guide them.
Who was intended by “The Bayan”?
…there were certain individuals who fell into something of Ghuloo (extremism) and Shatat (exces- siveness), who were intended by this Bayaan, here [in Madeenah] and over there [in Britain].
Allowing non-Muslims into the Masaajid
So the call to Allaah can be to a single individual or to a group of people in the Masaajid, in club organizations, in universities, in schools or any other place.