Extremists exist in Muslim communities like every other community, however they have no regard for any faith or sanctity
Category: Topic
Loving one’s country: An Islamic perspective
An insightful article covering a subject which is often misunderstood – Al-Wataniyyah – loving ones country and patriotism.
Atheism: Its reality and dangers
An important sermon highlighting the dangers of atheism and that the Masaajid must not fail its people
A study of the Shahaadatayn
A lesson explaining the two testimonies of faith, their meanings, conditions and pillars. Downloadable worksheet included.
This is what Islam teaches us
Khutbah mentioning the comprehensive teachings of Islaam which cover every aspect of a person’s life: Spiritual, financial, individual and social.
Aashoorah: A day of fasting not a day of mourning
Khutbah mentioning the virtues of Ashoorah and the love of Aal Al-Bayt
Saying dhikr aloud after salah
An article outlining the view of the scholars and their evidences to say Dhikr aloud after Salah.
The Ummah and the Buddhist butchers of Burma
Powerful Khutbah regarding the genocide taking place in the terrorist state of Burma by atheist Buddhists against the Muslims
Two well-known Salafi preachers murdered by extremists in Burkina Faso
A short article regarding the recent killing of two Salafi preachers from Kuwait at the hand of terrorists in Burkina Faso.
The story of Prophet Ibraheem, his family and the Ka’bah
Sermon appropriate to Dhul Hijjah about the story of Prophet Ibraheem (alayhi as-salaam), his wife Haajarah, his son Ismaaeel, the building of the Ka’bah and the legislation of Hajj.
Dhul Hijjah: blessed days for those not performing Hajj
Dhul Hijjah is a very important time of the year for the Muslims; more specifically the first ten days of this blessed month have been favoured by Allaah over any other days
10 days of Dhul Hijjah: Virtues and Rituals
Khutbah regarding the sacred month of Dhul-Hijjah and the blessed first ten days, mentioning its virtues, rewards and rituals of worship.
Seeking knowledge for many years and not gaining anything
Words of encouragement and inspiration for students of knowledge who try hard for many years and feel they have not progressed
Guarantee for me six matters, I guarantee you Paradise
The Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) guaranteed Paradise for the people of Imaan who guarantee to guard six matters within themselves…
Important lessons for every Muslim [30 Lessons]
A series of lessons in explaining “Ad-Duroos Al-Muhimma Li ‘Aamatal Ummah” (Important lessons for the general Ummah) by Shaykh Ibn Baaz