Is it correct to warn against Shirk without mentioning the names of the Callers to Shirk and Bid’ah?

Reference: Mins 23:20

Question: Is it correct to call to Tawheed and warn against Shirk without mentioning the names of the Callers of Shirk and Bid’ah?

Response: Yes. If in mentioning their names there will be a disadvantage [or harm] then do not mention their names; However warn against Shirk, call to Tawheed and clarify it to the people. 

As for mentioning personalities then there is no need for this.

هل تصح الدعوة الى التوحيد والنهي عن الشرك بدون ذكر اسماء دعاة الشرك والبدع ؟


السؤال هل تصح الدعوة الى التوحيد والنهي عن الشرك بدون ذكر اسماء دعاة الشرك والبدع ؟

نعم ذكر اسمائهم اذا كان يترتب عليه ضرر فلا تذكر اسمائهم ولكن حذر من الشرك وادعو الى التوحيد

وبين للناس اما ذكر الاشخاص فلا داعي له

He is a graduate of the Islaamic University of Madeenah, having graduated from the Institute of Arabic Language, and later the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 2010. He currently resides in Nelson, Lancashire and is the Imam of Masijd Sunnah.

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