As you treat others…


Yahya Ibn Sa’eed (may Allaah have mercy upon him) said:

It has reached us that whoever disrespects an elderly person, he himself will not die until Allaah sends a person who will also disrespect and humiliate him in his old age when he becomes elderly. [1]

Many of elderly people are in need of special looking after and a large amount of care. Many of them are in need of physical, psychological and social care.

A person will be treated, as he treats others. So whoever knows of the rights of those elderly people and fulfils their obligations then Allaah (the Majestic and Exalted) will decree for a person to come and fulfil his rights and obligations. The opposite of this is also true; whoever wastes their rights [by not fulfilling them] and is harmful towards them, then Allaah will decree for a person to come in his old age and treat him in the same way.

The obligation therefore, O slave of Allaah, is to be aware of the rights of the elderly and take care of them, especially if the old person is a father, grandfather, maternal uncle, paternal uncle, neighbour or a relative.


[1] al-Umr wash-shayb; authored by Ibn Abi Dunya

كما تدين تدان


عن يحيى بن سعيد رحمه الله قال:

« بلغنا أنَّه من أهان ذا شيبةٍ لم يمت حتى يبعثُ اللهُ عليه من يهينُ شيبه إذا شاب ». العمر والشيب لابن أبي الدنيا (1343)

كثير من كبار السن يحتاجون إلى رعاية خاصة وعناية كبيرة ؛ عناية بدنية وعناية نفسية وعناية اجتماعية وكما يدين المرء يدان ، فمن كان عارفاً بحقوق هؤلاء مؤدياً لواجباتهم فإن الله عز وجل يقيِّض له في كبره من يقوم بحقوقه وواجباته ، وعلى العكس من ذلك من كان مضيِّعًا حقوق هؤلاء ومهملًا لواجباتهم أو مسيئًا إليهم فإنَّ الله يقيض له في كبره من يعامله بذلك.

فالواجب – عباد الله – معرفة حقوق كبار السن والعناية بهم ، ولاسيما – عباد الله – إذا كان كبير السن أباً أو جداً أو خالاً أو عماً أو جاراً أو قريبا…

He is a graduate of the Islaamic University of Madeenah, having graduated from the Institute of Arabic Language, and later the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 2010. He currently resides in Nelson, Lancashire and is the Imam of Masijd Sunnah.

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