An explanation of the statements of Salah [16 Lessons]

A series of short lessons explaining the statements of Salaah. These lessons will cover important definitions as well as the various Adhkaar and Duaas which are said during different positions in Salaah, from Takbeer to Tasleem as well as Duaa al-Qunoot. Each Du’a & Dhikr is read in Arabic & translated, and then rulings and Wisdoms are explained.

You can study the lessons by using the following workbook: Download Arabic/English Workbook

Lesson 1:Introduction: The importance and benefits of Salaah, how to memorise, types of Ikhtilaaf (difference in rulings) and the linguistic and Islamic definition of Salaah.
Download Lesson 1

Lesson 2:The linguistic and Islamic definition of Niyyah; Why the Niyyah is required; The linguistic and Islamic definition of Du’aa; its virtues, conditions, etiquettes, manners, how it is done and the different types of Du’aa
Download Lesson 2

Lesson 3:The meaning and types of Khushoo’; How to attain Khushoo’ in Salaah; The meaning of Takbeer; The different types of Takbeer in Salaah; Can a person begin Salah by using a different wording for Takbeer; What does a person do if a he forgets to say Takbeer or has a doubt regarding it? Download Lesson 3

Lesson 4:The ruling of Du’a Al-Istiftaah, when it is said and what a person does if he misses it out. Also an explanation of various different supplications a person can make at the beginning of Salaah.
Download Lesson 4

Lesson 5:An explanation of further variations of Duaa Al-Istiftaah. [Apologies for the poor audio quality on this recording]
Download Lesson 5

Lesson 6:An explanation of Al-Isti’aadhah; its different variations and the meaning of Shaytan and Rajeem; also an explanation of Bismillah.
Download Lesson 6

Lesson 7:Rulings pertaining to Soorah Al-Faatihah, saying Aameen and reciting a Soorah after it; Tafseer Soorah Al-Faatiha Download Lesson 7

Lesson 8:Different types of Tasbeehaat in the Rukoo; Download Lesson 8

Lesson 9:What to say when standing up from Rukoo’; Download Lesson 9

Lesson 10: Further statements of Tahmeed after standing up from Rukoo; Different levels of Uboodiyyah; The relationship between Tawheed At-Ruboobiyyah and Tawheed Al-Uloohiyyah; Why nobody enters Jannah on the mere basis of knowledge Download Lesson 10

Lesson 11: ٌRules pertaining to Sujood – what does a person do if he misses the Sujood? Can a person make a Duaa for a Dunya related matter in the Sujood? Can a person make Duaa in a language other than Arabic in Sujood? What is the meaning of Tasbeeh? What is the meaning of Subhaana Rabee Al-A’laa and why do we say it? Download Lesson 11

Lesson 12: The meaning of ‘Maghfirah’; the different Duaas for Sujood which have been mentioned in Ahaadeeth; The meaning of Tawheed Ar-Ruboobiyyah; What Imaan in Allah constitutes Download Lesson 12

Lesson 13: An explanation of the Dua which is said in the sitting between the two Sujood (prostrations); The difference amongst the Fuqahaa as to its ruling and whether not saying it invalidates the Salaah; Ruling pertaining to the Tashahhud; The meaning of “At-Tahiyyaatu lillaah…”; An evidence that the Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) indeed died and is not living a worldly life as some sects claim. Download Lesson 13

Lesson 14: An explanation As-Salaah al-Ibraahimiyyah; why it is given this name; the different variations of it; the impermissibility of adding any word to it such as ‘Sayyidinaa’; there is no place upon which the earth rises and sets except that the name of the Prophet is mentioned. Download Lesson 14

Lesson 15: An explanation of some of the Duaas which are said at the end of Salaah, before Tasleem. Lesson also includes a discussion about making Duaa after Salaah, the meaning of fitnah and an admonishment that Allah tsts us with luxuries and comforts just as he tests others with poverty and difficulty. Download Lesson 15

Lesson 16 [Final Lesson]: Ruling pertaining to Tasleem; An explanation of the Witr Prayer and Dua Al-Qunoot in it; How many Ra’kaat should be prayed; how did the Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) pray Witr; The difference between Dua Al-Qunoot and Dua An-Naazilah; Should a person wipe the face after the Dua; How often should a person make Duaa al-Qunoot. Download Lesson 16

He is a graduate of the Islamic University of Madeenah, having graduated from the Institute of Arabic Language, and later the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 2010. He currently resides in Nelson, Lancashire and is the Imam of Masjid Sunnah.

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Assalamu Alaykum such really beneficial series very little people go through something like this something which every average muslim needs to go through to understand what they saying in salaah in a simplistic way.

Before people start Arabic classes these kind of workshops need to be given more priority

Walaykum salaam wa rahmatullah,

May Allah bless you, the topic is indeed beneficial for every Muslims, it is important we learn, understand and alternate between the various Adhkaar and Duaas which the Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) would say during Salaah.

وبالله التوفيق

Am making notes on these recordings inshallah when done I’ll send them via the website email address

I plan to teach this topic locally and to my private Quran Students this series is a very good aid gives me an idea how to delivery such workshops.

Ustaadh I strongly feel you should do a series like this to Al-Asmaa Al-Husnaa this never gets properly discussed in the west there lot of stuff on PRinciples of Asmaa Was-Sifaat but Al-Asmaa Al-Husna in terms of its lexical connotations as a worskshop is something needs to be done and since the source of Sifaat comes from Asmaa Husna since every Ism carries with it a Sifah

Walaykum salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

May Allah reward you for your efforts in trying to benefit your community. Once you have made notes, if you send then to us via I will revise and edit them and make additions. The notes can then be made available as an online resource for people to benefit from.

With regards to the suggested series, it’s something which is planned soon inshaAllah – may Allah give us Tawfeeq.

JazakaAllah khayr

وبالله التوفيق

Assalamualaikum warahamthullahi wabarakathuhu

such a beautiful series ! a must one for every muslim because prayer is the most importantof all…
jazaakallah khairan for this..

wanted to know if class notes of this series is available? Im currently working on making notes of this series and Im on half way so that it would be more beneficial to people..i wish many people benefit from this study including myself ….if the notes are already there …. I can directly form a group and start a study group in sha allah….for its taking a very huge time typing it and making the notes !

Walaykum salaam

May Allah bless you for your kind words, you are right that such lessons are important and relevant to every Muslim. Unfortunately many of us only know the Adhkar/Duas which we learnt as children without understanding the meanings, wisdoms or other Adhkar variations.

Asides from the workbook, there are no notes available in English unfortunately, however if you do make the notes and send them to us via I will look over them, edit and make additions. The revised notes can then be made available as an online resource.

May Allah reward you for your efforts.

وبالله التوفيق

Assalamualaikumm Usthad
some of the notes are ready
can i send it to you and can u correct it ?? so that we can start the study groups soon bithinillah

Assalamualaikumm usthaad
I’ve sent the lessons
can u please confirm if you have recieved it ??
JazakaAllah khairan

And kindly inform us where we can get the corrected lessons
hoping to get it sooner in sha Allah

Walaykum salaam,

May Allah reward you greatly for your efforts. I have received the transcribed lessons from yourself as well as some of the other students who attend the lesson. Time permitting, I will edit and revise them – they still require a lot of work.

Wa billahi at-Tawfeeq.

Assalamualaikumm usthad regarding a point you said during isthaiadah wasn’t to curse anyone .
So some one asked there is scholarly differences regarding it
I’ve only proof for not to curse anyone
but there are other two opinions too
to curse a a kaafir and allowed to curse anyone.

What are the explanation for this ??

Walaykum salaam,

Scholars, old and contemporary, throughout the various Madhaahib have differed over many issues. Some difference in view is accepted due to the strength of evidence, whereas in many other issues the evidence is very weak and so the differing views are not considered. In any case, it is upon us to follow what is correct according to the evidences which are presented – not mere scholarly difference.

Wa billahi at-Tawfeeq

In rukoo
we have to say subhana rabiial adheem 3 times
and what about other duas we have learnt ?
Should we say either of duas or say any duas but also recite subhana rabial adheem??

Have this doubt becuase you said sunnah is to say one dua in the beginning ??

The Tasbeeh of the Rukoo’ is Waajib (an obligatory statement which cannot be left out intentionally). The absolute minimum Wajib is to say it once, however it is better to say it 3 times at a minimum, and then increase for extra reward.

Duas are not said in the Rukoo’, this is for the Sujood only, but there are other forms of Tasbeeh which can be said in place of or in addition to Subhana rabbee al-‘Adheem.

As for some of the Adhkar which have been narrated for the Rukoo’, they can be said after saying the Tasbeeh. The Tasbeeh is Wajib, whereas the other Adhkar are Mustahabb/Sunnah (recommended).

Allah knows best, wa billaahi Tawfeeq.

Assalamualaikumm Usthad
Resending my question again for more clarity in the question.
You mentioned that saying subhana rabial azheem once is waajib
So what about the other duas ??
Should we say other duas as extra with Subhana rabial azheeem or we can say any other duas without Subhana rabial azheem?
Have this doubt bcoz u said sunnah of prophet is to say only one dua at a time and to say different duas at different times
So if saying any other dua other than Subhana rabial azheem is enough or we should say both duas at once

Hope I’m clear

Walaykum salaam,

The other Adhkar which have been narrated regarding the Rukoo’ are said after saying the subhana rabbee al-‘Adheem at least once. The Tasbeeh must be said first, and then followed by the other Adhkar for extra reward.

As for Dua al-Istiftaah which is said after the Takbeer, it is better not to combine between them in a single Salah, rather only one is said at a time.

Allah knows best, wa billaahi at-Tawfeeq.

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