Workbook: Ad-Durūs al-Muhimma li-‘āmatil Ummah

A study text authored by the great scholar, Shaykh AbdulAzīz Ibn Bāz, covering the basics of Islamic knowledge, including the basics of Aqīdah (belief), rulings of Wudū, Ṣalāh and Janāzah; Muslim manners and morals; and different types of sins. This text is an excellent starting point for a beginner student of knowledge.

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He is a graduate of the Islaamic University of Madeenah, having graduated from the Institute of Arabic Language, and later the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 2010. He currently resides in Nelson, Lancashire and is the Imam of Masijd Sunnah.


Assalaamu Alaikum my dearest brothers;

Alhamdulillah for your work and efforts. wallahi, I am so glad for having excellent and authentic materials from you, for my studies, and as well for my students.

I live in sierra leone, west Africa benefitting from your work.

May Allah preserve you for us and accept your works.
remember we are always waiting for any new publication from you.
my best regard to you brother Abul Abbaas, Naveed Ayaaz, and to the team of SalafiEventsUK

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