Visiting an innovator who is ill

Reference: Al-Ajwiba Al-Athariyyah anil masaail al-Manhajiyyah p200

Question: What is the ruling of visiting an ill person who is an innovator, he publicises his innovations and preaches to others. This innovator also warns against Salafiyyah and its scholars.

Response: What is apparent to me regarding this issue is the permissibility of a person who has Islamic knowledge visiting him (i.e. the above-described innovator). His primary objective in doing so should be to sincerely advise him in a good manner that he leaves his innovation for which he has become known before his death comes to him. [He advises him to leave his innovations] that he is mixed up in and the innovations which he will leave behind. He explains the innovations to him with Islamic and logical evidences.

If the innovator responds to him then that is what was required, however if he persists upon his innovation and evil then the scholar should publicise his innocence from him. He should clearly state that he will boycott him and warn the people against his innovation whether [the innovator] is alive or dead. This is as a Naseehah (sincere advice) to the Muslims, reviving the Sunnah, being proud of it and also killing the innovations and establishing the proofs and evidences.

Perhaps the questioner will find my answer difficult in comparison to the position of some of the Salaf regarding the people of innovation, whether they were living or deceased.

So I say to him:

The Daa’ee (Caller) to Allaah should be a person of wisdom. So he looks for the potential benefits, harms and areas of confusion. He always acts according to what is beneficial according to his ability.

Also my answer is supported by the action of the Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) when he visited a Jewish person and explained Islaam to him, so he accepted islaam.

The Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) then praised his Lord who saved this Jewish man from the Fire by entering him into Islaam. This was by the virtue of Allaah and then due to Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) giving him Da’wah and advising him.

And Tawfeeq is from Allaah.

حكم زيارة المريض

المرجع:الصفحة 200 الأجوبة الأثرية عن المسائل المنهجية خمسون سؤالا و جوابا

السؤال: ما حكم زيارة المريض المبتدع الذي يعلن بدعته, و يدعو اليها , و يحذر من السلفية و شيوخها؟

الجواب: الذي يظهر لي في هذه القضية جواز زيارته ممن لديه علم شرعي , فيكون هدفه منها بالدرجة الأولى بذل النصيحة لهذا المريض بالأسلوب الحسن أن يتنازل عن بدعته التي عرف بها قبل أن يبغته الأجل و هو متلبس بها و مورث لها, موضحا له ذلك بالأدلة النقلية و العقلية

فإن إستجاب له فذلك هو المطلوب , و إن أبى و أصر على بدعة السوء و الشر أعلن براءته منه , و صارحه بأنه سيهجره , و يحذر الناس من بدعته حيا و ميتا ; نصحا للمسلمين , و إحياء للسنة و إعتزاز بها ,و اماتة للبدع , و إقامة للحجة بالبيان و البرهان .

ولعل سائلا يستشكل هذا الجواب اذا قارنه بموقف بعض السلف من أهل البدع أحياء و أموات !

فأقول له : إن الداعية إلى الله يجب أن يكون صاحب حكمة , فينظر للمصالح و المفاسد و الملابسات , فيعمل بالنافع قدر استطاعته و يستأنس لهذه الإجابة بفعل النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم أنه زار يهوديا فعرض عليه الإسلام فأسلم , فحمد النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم ربه الذي أنقذ اليهودي من النار بدخوله في الإسلام بفضله ثم بدعوة النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم و نصحه له

و بالله التوفيق

He is a graduate of the Islamic University of Madeenah, having graduated from the Institute of Arabic Language, and later the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 2010. He currently resides in Nelson, Lancashire and is the Imam of Masjid Sunnah.

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