A study of Bid’ah and related principles [5 Lessons]

A four part series of lessons in which the definitions, categorisations, rulings, principles and doubts and matters relating to Bid’ah (religious innovations) are studied.

Lesson One: In this lesson you will learn: The linguistic and Islamic definition of Bid’ah; The difference between worldly and religious innovations; when does a Bid’ah take a person out of the fold of Islam; What is the difference between an absolute Bid’ah and a relative Bid’ah; Understanding the statement of Umar: “How good a Bid’ah this action is…”; When not doing an action is also considered to be a Bid’ah; are the dots and vowels in the Qur’an considered to be innovations? Download Lesson 1


Lesson Two: In this lesson you will learn: Why Bid’ah is more severe than personal sins; can we categorise Bid’ah into good and bad?; Six characteristics of an action to be fulfilled, otherwise it is a Bid’ah; the famous narration of Imaam Malik regarding innovating actions with a good intention. Download Lesson 2

Lesson Three: In this lesson you will learn: Ayaat, Ahaadeeth and statements of the Salaf regardng Bid’ah; The difference between Masaalih Mursalah (considerations of public interest) and Bid’ah; The story of how, when and why the Islamic Hijri year was introduced – and why it is not a Bid’ah; Separate rooms for women, minarets, Mihraab and lines for prayer rows – are such actions Bid’ah?; Is everybody who does a Bid’ah labelled as a Mubtadi’ (innovator); Statements of Ibn Taymiyyah, Albaani, Ibn Uthaymeen regarding the label Mubtadi’; A mention of An-Nawawi and Ibn Hajr; The incorrect Manhaj of forcing people to adopt a stance based upon the ijtihaad of a particular scholar. Download Lesson 3

Lesson Four: In this lesson you will learn: Guidelines and principles in expelling a person from the fold of Ahlus Sunnah; When is a Sunnee excused for a mistake, and when is he judged to be from Ahl Al-Bid’ah; The principle of Ahlus Sunnah: Self rectification precedes rectification of others. Download Lesson 4

Lesson Five [Last Lesson]: In this lesson you will learn: Guidelines and principles in boycotting the people of innovations and disobedience; The wisdom of the Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) in why he boycotted some people and kept relations with others; The obligation of loving and hating for the sake of Allah; A comprehensive clarification by Shaykh Ibn Baaz regarding boycotting the people of innovation. Download Lesson 5


He is a graduate of the Islaamic University of Madeenah, having graduated from the Institute of Arabic Language, and later the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 2010. He currently resides in Nelson, Lancashire and is the Imam of Masijd Sunnah.

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