Overlooking the fact that Iran is a country of Shirk (polytheism) and idol-worship; it was established upon clear kufr (disbelief)…
Tag: Israel
How will Palestine be regained?
If only our youth fully realised, that it is not possible for us to gain absolute victory except through implementing Islām, not merely the Islām which is stated as your “hobby” on your ID card
Five matters to bring victory to the Ummah
They are those who, if We give them authority in the land, establish salah, give zakah, enjoin goodness and forbid evil…
A word regarding the events in Gaza
So be patient O people of Gaza. Upon you is to unify your ranks and rid yourselves of disunity…
What type of democracy is this!?
Eastern & western countries emphasized & promoted democracy and human rights at a time when human life is being demeaned, & people in some countries face all sorts of tribulations.
Advice for the Muslims concerning Gaza
Know that what is important, is that we think good of our Lord, and we do not say `why is this happening?` This is Devine Decree, and Allaah is the all Wise over them.
Advice to the Ummah during these troubling times
And that which we hear and read from our preachers (khateebs) and writers (journalists), all of it is condemnation of the actions of the enemies.