22 essential questions pertaining to Udhiyyah (Qurbani); summarised from the fataawa of contemporary scholars such as Ibn Baz and Ibn ‘Uthaymin.
Tag: Hajj
Dhul Hijjah: blessed days for those not performing Hajj
Dhul Hijjah is a very important time of the year for the Muslims; more specifically the first ten days of this blessed month have been favoured by Allaah over any other days
Dhul Hijjah Reminders
Four short audio reminders regarding the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah which Allaah has bestowed upon the Muslims.
Contemplations Regarding the Hajj 2015 Tragedy
Despite everything which has been stated above, and how Allaah decreed honour for them in their last moments, rather in their martyrdom inshaAllah. However this does not mean that we do not grieve over their deaths and feel hurt.
Is it Permitted to Distribute Some of the Udhhiyah Meat to Non-Muslims?
Allaah does not forbid you to be just and kind to those who do not fight against you on account of religion…
Statements of the Scholars about the First Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah
It has also been narrated upon (bn Abbaas that he said: Do not turn out your lamps during the nights of the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah
The Day of ‘Arafah – The Day that Allah completed His favour Upon us
A day preferred over all other days; a day in which sins are forgiven and supplications are answered; a day in which Allaah descends from His throne…
Newly Innovated Affairs in Hajj
The affairs the people have newly invented in Hajj are as follows…
Women performing Hajj on behalf of Men
A man may perform Hajj on behalf of another man, and a woman may perform Hajj on behalf of a man, and this Hadeeth is clear evidence for women performing Hajj on behalf of men.
Tawaaf al-Wadaa’ for the one making ‘Umrah
Is making Tawaaf al-Wadaa’ obligatory upon the one making Umrah?
Giving Zakah to the Poor and Destitute to perform the Hajj
Is it permissible to give him [funds] from the zakaah in order to facilitate his performing the obligatory hajj himself?
The Hajj of the Disabled
Is Hajj obligatory upon the disabled (incapacitated) or not?
Ihraam of the Menstruating Women
The Tawaaf of the [Ka’bah] is [like] the Salaah, as has been established from the Hadeeth of Aa’ishah [radiyAllaahu anhaa] which is narrated in the two Saheehs.
Performing Hajj on behalf of my Parents
Can I make Hajj upon my parents who died and did not make Hajj during their lifetimes as it never became Waajib (obligatory) for them due to their poverty?
Legally shortening the Hajj
Is he then required to remain in Minaa for the 13th day [of Dhul-Hijjah] or is he permitted to leave [Minaa even] after sunset?