Essential questions and answer on I’tkaaf, answered by Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan
Category: Topic
Why was the Prophet so generous in Ramadan?
The Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) was the most generous of people, and he was further generous in Ramadhan…
What does Allah want from you in Ramadhan?
Does Allah benefit from us being hungry and thirsty in Ramadhan? What does he really want from us?
Clarifying misconceptions regarding Muhammad ibn AbdulWahhab
For many years and long decades, there has been constant speech and continuous controversy regarding Shaykh Muhammad bin AbdulWahhaab & his Da’wah…
A righteous Salafee woman is not…
It is not necessary that a Salafi woman has to know the Jarh (criticism) of so-and-so, nor is it a condition that she has to know the Salafi scholars…
Take benefit of five before five
A profound sermon admonishing us to seize the blessings which Allah has given us before they end
Be aware of the dangers of the tongue
An important admonishment regarding the great creation of the tongue as well as its dangers and sins
An explanation of the statements of Salah [16 Lessons]
Do you know the meaning of what you say during Salaah? This series of short lessons will explain the statements of Salaah from Takbeer to Tasleem
The respect of a great Prophet for his disbelieving father
A great example of compassion, gentleness and using soft words in giving Da’wah
You were created for three noble objectives
Why are we upon this earth? Why were we created? What is the reason behind our existence?
Do not imitate the others in their celebrations and festivals
A Khutbah regarding imitating the Kuffaar by celebrating their festivals suc h as Easter, Valentine’s Day, birthdays, anniversairies, Halloween etc..
Guidance on giving shahadah to a non-muslim
An important article mentioning guidelines on what to do before, during and after giving shahādah to a non-muslim, and practical advice in helping them develop as a muslim.
Let them call us Mumayyi’
We strive, struggle and write, and we call to Allah, the mighty and majestic. Yet they say regarding us that we are Mumayyi’een, because we call with wisdom, leniency and gentleness.
An admonishment regarding sickness
A pertinent Khutbah in a time when the common flu has become widespread, mentioning wisdom behind sickness and how a person should react.
Advice to students of knowledge who differed
A concise yet powerful advice written by one of the Imaams of Da’wah which is more pertinent today due to the public differing of students of knowledge