Arabic and English pdf of “Hilyat Talib al-ilm” authored by Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd. Translated title: Etiquettes of the Student of Knowledge.
Category: Topic
Entering the protection of non-muslims
Review: this important book discusses in detail the issue of “Amaan” – Muslims entering into the protection of Non-Muslim countries, its ramifications of this according to Islamic Law.
Annotated Explanation of the Three Fundamental Principles
An explanation of the treatise ‘Al-Usool Ath-Thalaatha’ which can be used as a teaching resource in lessons, institutes and Masaajid in studying Aqeedah.
An authentic hadith regarding good health and free time
There are two blessings which many people waste: good health and free time…
In times of difficulty, be a key to goodness & benefit for your community
A call to every Muslim to demonstrate their Islam in this time of difficulty. This advice was written in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Fiqh of fasting & zakat al-fitr
A leaflet which summarises the most important rulings of fasting and zakat al-fitr.
How much was the Prophetic dowry in today’s economy?
Extensive research on the subject of the Mahr (dowry) including rulings, wisdoms and importantly a the value of the Prophet’s dowry in today’s economy
The tongue – blessings, responsibilities and dangers
Despite its small size, the tongue is one of the greatest blessings of Allah and its effects can be powerful.
Paradise is sorrounded by difficulties and sacrifices
A sermon regarding the Hadeeth: “Paradise is surrounded by difficulties and sacrifices; the Fire is surrounded by pleasures and desires”
Earthquakes – contemplations and lessons
A sermon reminding the Muslim of some of the reasons as to why earthquakes occur and what lessons we can learn from them.
Who are the Salafis and what do they want?
A leaflet which clarifies the Salafi methodology in a balanced and objective manner.
Alcohol & drugs: the scourge of society
Severe warnings against intoxicants, the rise in muslim inmates and the role of the mosques.
Gateway to Understanding Aqeedah, Fiqh, Seerah & Tafseer
A comprehensive book which can be used as a teaching resource in lessons, institutes and Masaajid in studying Aqeedah, Fiqh, Seerah and Tafseer.
A Muslim is not a criminal
A sermon in response to the rise of knife crimes and gangs in the UK
Allah is Pure and only accepts what is pure
A sermon regarding the name of Allah At-Tayyib; and the importance of earning and consuming Halaal.