Is he then required to remain in Minaa for the 13th day [of Dhul-Hijjah] or is he permitted to leave [Minaa even] after sunset?
Category: Topic
Staying the nights of Ayyaam at-Tashreeq in Minaa
[What is the ruling] regarding staying [the nights of Ayyaam at-Tashreeq (11th, 12th, and 13th day of Dhul-Hijjah)] in Minaa?
Performing Hajj on behalf of my Father
I have made Hajj for myself 3 times, & that is because it is very easy for those who live in Saudi to perform the Hajj, whether they are here for work or for other reasons.
Hajj on behalf of the Living
One cannot perform Hajj on behalf of a living person except in two cases…
Travel to Jeddah from the Meeqaat for the one intending ‘Umrah
[What is] the Meeqaat for Umrah if a person [i.e. intending Umrah] were to travel from [the Meeqaat] to another city such as Jeddah?
Virtue of Hajj
Does an accepted Blessed Hajj wipe away the major sins? and when does trade become permissible during hajj?
Why does the pilgrim wear those clothes during Hajj?
Why does the pilgrim wear those clothes during Hajj?
When to assume the Ihraam for Hajj
What is the [legislated] time [one is permitted] to assume the ihraam for hajj?
Appointing an ameer during the Hajj journey
Is our appointing an ameer (“group” leader) during the Hajj journey permissible or not?
Performing the Tawaaf Right Away
Should I pray the two rak’ahs of tahiyyatul-masjid, or should I begin my tawaaf right away?
Hajj without permission of the Parents
Is [it permissible] for [a person] to travel for the purpose of seeking legislative knowledge? And do the parents commit sin by preventing him [from making Hajj]?
The ruling regarding applying perfume to the ihraam clothing
What is the ruling regarding applying perfume to the ihraam clothing before making the intention and saying the talbiyah?
Finding lost property during Hajj
If a person finds some lost property during the season of Hajj & finds out it is for the Hujjaj, or there is a sign on it that it is for the Hujjaj, then he is to advertise it…
Public demonstrations in the seasons of Hajj in Mecca
That is an innovation, it has not basis in the religion, and the consequence from it is a significant amount of corruption and great evil.
The ruling on performing Hajj with impermissible money
They send tickets for Hajj to their parents who perform Hajj, while some of them know that this money has been gathered from selling drugs. Is this Hajj acceptable or not?