In giving Da’wah and warning against Shirk, is it a necessity to always mention the names of the Callers to Shirk?
Category: Topic
13 doubts regarding Tawassul: Doubt 01
The first doubt is regarding the famous Hadeeth of Umar (radhi Allaahu anhu) asking al-Abbaas (radhi Allaahu anhu) to supplicate for rain
Your homes are a blessing from Allaah and you are responsible for them
One’s children, family and home are all great blessings from Allaah. What are our responsibilities? What are the common mistakes that are occurring in Muslim homes.
Is ‘Aqeedah an innovated term that has no basis in the Sunnah?
Various doubts are mentioned to belittle the blessed of Tawheed. Amongst the people of doubts and desires is Hassan Farhaan al-Maaliki Ar-Raafidhee Az-Zindeeq who claimed that the word ‘Aqeedah is an innovated term…
This is our Eid, O people of Islam – May Allah accept from us and you
On this blessed occasion, I would like to remind my Muslim brothers and sisters of some manners and Prophetic recommendation of Eid, as well as clarifying some innovations and sins that occur.
Tafseer of Commonly Memorised Chapters of the Qur’an [8 Lessons]
Tafseer lessons explaining commonly memorised chapters of the Qur’an, beginning with Soorah al-Faatihah and then smaller chapters from Soorah an-Naas onwards.
The Many Benefits of Charity
Twenty benefits for a person who gives in charity, also the Prophet’s advice for those who are unable to give in charity
Paying Zakaah on Loans
In donating Zakaah, there is confusion with the issue of loans. Does a person have to donate Zakaah on a loan? If so, who pays the Zakaah?
Characteristics of the people of Taqwa – 2
“Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the people of Taqwa…”
Do not over-complicate the moon sighting
Important clarification regarding the moon sighting and the current differences that occur between the Muslims
The Supposed ISIS Caliphate Who Kill Praying People and Slaughter Humans with Knives
Ten points proving the falsehood of ISIS and their actions of killing innocent people in a Masjid recently
Do Muslims worship the Ka’bah?
Do Muslims worship the Ka’bah? Do they worship a meteorite? Is the Black Stone an idol?
The Greatness of the Qur’an
Friday Sermon regarding the greatest miracle: the Qur’an. Its importance, significance and virtue is mentioned.
Characteristics of the People of Taqwa – 1
Descriptions and characteristics of the people of Taqwa deduced from Aayaat in the Qur’an
Innovations Associated with Ta’ziyah (Offering Condolences)
A concise article mentioning some of the innovations associating with Ta’ziyah (Offering condolences)