Soorah Faatihah is the first Soorah in the Qur’an. It exemplifies how all of the Qur’an is Tahweed, and how it is the most important message of the Qur’an.
Category: Topic
Every Ayah in the Qur’an is regarding Tawhid
So the Qur’an, all of it, is regarding Tawheed, its rights and rewards, as well as regarding the state of Shirk, its people and their recompense.
Writing names on gravestones
The ruling of having a gravestone with the name of the deceased person written on there
As you treat others…
It is said: you will be treated as you treat others…
Raising hands in congregational supplication for deceased in graveyard
Upon completion of burying the deceased, one of the people who is present raises his voice in supplication, whilst raising his hands; the people behind him say ‘Aameen’.
Twenty pieces of advice in preaching to non-Muslims
Twenty practical tips in giving da’wah to non-Muslims
Ebola, Corona Virus, MERS, bird flu – an Islamic Perspective
There is much broadcasted in the media regarding ever increasing global outbreaks, pandemics and epidemics. How should a Muslim react to such events?
The Sacred Month of Muharram
Friday Khutbah explaining the historical importance of Muharram, its virtues as well as the Sunnah of fasting on Aashoorah and some of the innovations people perform on this day
There is no honour except by Islaam
We hear nowadays those who champion the cause of ‘humanity’ and relate every type of goodness to it whilst forgetting, neglecting and even denying the effort Islaam has placed…
Severe winds in the UK: A blessing or a calamity?
Severe winds and rain has affected thousands of people throughout the UK, how should a Muslim respond to such occurrences?
Feeling a Weakness in Imaan
For this reason, you will see a common Muslim is better in his Aqeedah and sincerity than many among the students of knowledge
How does an ill person pray?
Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen lists the various situations an ill person may face and how he should adapt his Prayer
The Day of ‘Arafah – The Day that Allah completed His favour Upon us
A day preferred over all other days; a day in which sins are forgiven and supplications are answered; a day in which Allaah descends from His throne…
How do we deal with the innovators we see and work with on a daily basis?
What do you advise us with in regards to how we deal with the innovators whom we see, speak and work with almost every day?
The Greatest Scholars of this Ummah Were Never Ash’aree
All of these virtuous scholars and great Imaams, there was never a single Ash’aree among them. Why not? How?