“Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the people of Taqwa…”
Category: Topic
Do not over-complicate the moon sighting
Important clarification regarding the moon sighting and the current differences that occur between the Muslims
The Supposed ISIS Caliphate Who Kill Praying People and Slaughter Humans with Knives
Ten points proving the falsehood of ISIS and their actions of killing innocent people in a Masjid recently
Do Muslims worship the Ka’bah?
Do Muslims worship the Ka’bah? Do they worship a meteorite? Is the Black Stone an idol?
The Greatness of the Qur’an
Friday Sermon regarding the greatest miracle: the Qur’an. Its importance, significance and virtue is mentioned.
Characteristics of the People of Taqwa – 1
Descriptions and characteristics of the people of Taqwa deduced from Aayaat in the Qur’an
Innovations Associated with Ta’ziyah (Offering Condolences)
A concise article mentioning some of the innovations associating with Ta’ziyah (Offering condolences)
The History of the Sects in Islam
Friday Khutbah regarding how the first sects started in Islaam. The sects mentioned are: Khawaarij, Shee’ah, Mu’tazilah, Murji’ah and Ashaa’irah.
Sha’ban: Its virtue, legislated actions and innovations
“It is the month between Rajab and Ramadhan which many people are negligent regarding…”
Do not restrict the Salafee Manhaj to a few Mashaykh
Important advice by Shaykh Sulayman ar-Ruhaylee regarding a mistake that is being made by some Salafee youth, that they restrict Salafiyyah and Manhaj related issues to a handful of selected Mashaykh.
Awliya and the Origins of Shirk
This sermon is regarding the origins of Shirk, the first instance in which Shirk ever occurred, and how the main cause of Shirk is exaggerating in the love of the Awliya and righteous people.
A Believer is Amazing
There is a way for the believer to be amazing, in constant optimism wherein your situation is always good
When a scholar falls into an innovation
How is a scholar treated if he falls into an innovation or makes mistakes?
Forgiveness & Repentance
An inspiring lecture about Istighfaar (seeking forgiveness) and Tawbah (repentance)
Rectify your own self first then others
It is upon the youth to be concerned with rectifying themselves before they [busy themselves] with the rectification of others