Uthmaan would stand near a grave and weep until his beard became wet…
Category: Topic
Advice to practicing youth who devote themselves to the internet
And if they lower themselves to the level of resembling animals – by fulfilling their whims and desires – them they have lost the Dunya and Aakhirah…
40 Hadith Destructive to the Ambitions of the Rafidhah
The E-Book has been divided into various chapters, each chapter containing Ahaadeeth which negate the beliefs of the Rawaafidh.
Lessons from the life of Prophet Moosa (alayhi assalaam)
A sermon contemplating the story and Da’wah of Prophet Moosa (alayhi as-salaam), his struggles with Pharaoh and his challenge against the magicians.
Lessons from the life of Prophet Hood (alayhi assalaam)
Relevant Khutbah to the society, contemplating the story and Da’wah of Prophet Hood (alayhi as-salaam) to a people who lived lives of luxury.
Lessons from the life of Prophet Ibraheem (alayhi as-salaam)
Powerful Khutbah contemplating the story and Da’wah of Prophet Ibraheem (alayhi as-salaam), and the true essence of Tawheed.
Dhul Hijjah Reminders
Four short audio reminders regarding the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah which Allaah has bestowed upon the Muslims.
Lessons from the life of Prophet Shu’aib (alayhi assalaam)
Contemplations, lessons and benefits from the story and Da’wah of Prophet Shu’aib (alayhi as-salaam)
Interacting with an Imaam who is an innovator
A person should not take a stance which will allow the people of innovation to punish and subdue Ahl As-Sunnah, to exile them from the Masjid and restrict their [Da’wah] activities.
Lessons from the life of Prophet Yunus (alayhi assalaam)
What can we learn from the story of Prophet Yunus (alayhi as-salaam)? What was his Du’aa that the Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) encouraged us to learn?
To those who legislated in Islaam the permissibility of ‘Martyrdom Operations’.
A very insightful article emphasising the irresponsibility of those who permitted ‘Suicide Bombings’ such as Yusuf Qardawi, Salman Al-Awda and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Contemplate the stories of the Prophets & Messengers
A sermon emphasising the importance of the stories of the Prophets and Messengers, the trials they went through and what we can learn from their stories.
Second open question & answer session with Shaykh Badr Al-Utaybee
Second pen Q & A session held in Nelson, Lancashire on the night of 29th June, 2016, with Shaykh Badr Ibn Alee Al-Utaybee, 12 questions were asked.
Who was Muhammad (peace be upon him)?
Basic details regarding the life and family of the Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) so it can act as a reference when teaching our families and children.
Open question & answer session with Shaykh Badr Al-Utaybee
Open Q & A session held in Nelson, Lancashire on the night of 22nd June, 2016, with Shaykh Badr Ibn Alee Al-Utaybee, 38 questions were asked.