“They want to extinguish the light of Allaah with their mouths, but Allaah will complete His light even if the disbelievers hate it…”
Category: Topic
Explanation of Aqeedah Ar-Raaziyayn [15 Lessons]
A series of lessons explaining the treatise known as Aqeedah Ar-Raaziyayn, consisting of the Aqeedah which the Salaf agreed upon.
Readings from Tafseer As-Sa’adi [Updated]
An explanation of the Qur’an based on Tafseer As-Sa’di and benefits from other books of Tafseer such as Tafseer Ibn Katheer.
Have a good thought about Allah
Khutbah regarding one of the highest pinnacles of Tawheed: Husn Adh-Dhann – having a good thought about Allaah.
Eid Sermons
Listen and download Eid sermons from this year, and previous years
Don’t waste the last 10 days of Ramadhan
Khutbah encouraging the Muslims to seize the opportunity of the last ten days of Ramadhan before they depart
Common mistakes in Siyaam, Zakaah, Salaah and Masaajid
Common mistakes which occur during Fasting, when donating Zakaah, in Salaah and deficiencies with regards to the etiquettes of the Masjid.
Fasting and praying in Scandinavian countries
My sister and her husband currently live in Germany, she recently wrote to me asking me whether it is an obligation upon her and the Muslims there to fast the month of Ramadhan…
Du’a: Its conditions & Etiquettes
A Khutbah explaining the power of the Duaa, and some of its conditions and ettiquettes
Using observatories and telescopes for the new moon
What is the Islamic way by which the beginning of the month is determined? Is it permitted to rely upon calculations of astronomical observatories to know when the month begins and ends?
How to attain Barakah
How to attain Barakah in your wealth, property, life, children and time.
Al Israa wal Mi’raaj and the innovation of 27th Rajab
A khutbah regarding the story of Al-Israa Wal Mi’raaj (the night journey to Jerusalem and ascension to the heavens) and the innovations associated with celebrating it on the 27th of Rajab.
Seven Islamic Enlightenments Regarding the Suicide Attack in Stockholm
Importantly this is not an article which merely condemns terrorism, however tries to understand the psyche behind the terrorists and how the justify their ideology.
O believing men and women, lower your gazes
Khutbah regarding the blessing of sight, and the obligation to control it and lower the gaze
Protect Allaah, Allaah will protect you
Khutbah: “You should know, that success in this world and salvation in the Hereafter has been linked to protecting the commandments and religion of Allaah…”