An important article containing proofs, clarifications and statements of contemporary scholars, regarding the prohibition of greeting the non-Muslims on Christmas, followed by a warning against Mohammed al-Issa by Shaykh Faysal Jaasim
Category: Non-Muslims
Essential questions & answers for new Muslims
39 essential questions which for new Muslims, or newly practising Muslims.
Entering the protection of non-muslims
Review: this important book discusses in detail the issue of “Amaan” – Muslims entering into the protection of Non-Muslim countries, its ramifications of this according to Islamic Law.
Guidance on giving shahadah to a non-muslim
An important article mentioning guidelines on what to do before, during and after giving shahādah to a non-muslim, and practical advice in helping them develop as a muslim.
The Enemies of Islam fear the Muslims
One of them said, ‘indeed, the white turban in Africa is more dangerous to us than the atomic bomb…
Twenty pieces of advice in preaching to non-Muslims
Twenty practical tips in giving da’wah to non-Muslims
Entering into churches in order to call to Islaam
Two Fataawa from the Permanent Committee of Scholars regarding entering into churches in order to call to Allaah
Giving Charity to non-Muslims
Allah does not prevent you from kindness and justice with those who do not fight you nor expel you from your homes.
Inviting non-Muslims to the Eid
Many of our scholars have given fatawaa stating the permissibly of non-Muslims entering the masjid when there is a benefit.
The way of the Messenger in calling non-Muslims to Islam
Proceed with calmness and tranquility up until you enter their land, then invite them to Islaam and inform them of what Allaah the Most High has made obligatory upon them.
Disbelievers entering the Masjid
As it relates to non Muslims entering the Masjid, there are those who claim that it’s permissible for them to enter the Masjids, perhaps Allaah will guide them.
Allowing non-Muslims into the Masaajid
So the call to Allaah can be to a single individual or to a group of people in the Masaajid, in club organizations, in universities, in schools or any other place.