Ten points proving the falsehood of ISIS and their actions of killing innocent people in a Masjid recently
Category: Contemporary Issues
A message to the BBC: It is Islam, not ‘Wahhabism’
A reply to various media outlets, specifically the BBC who brand the teachings of Islam as being ‘Wahhabism’ and ‘ultra-conservative
Contemplations regarding the attack on the offices of the French newspaper ‘Charlie Hebdo’
What occurred last Wednesday (7th January 2014) in France, the attack on the headquarters of the French newspaper ‘Charlie Hebdo’, was due to them mocking the Prophet of Mercy (peace be upon him) in 2011
According to which religion and intellect is the attack on a school in Peshawar & killing more than 132 children justified?
This heinous act, and other similar acts of killing and destruction which occur in the Muslim lands, can never be attributed to rational thinking, never mind attributing it to Islaam.
The Calamity of the so-called “Caliphate of ISIS” in Iraq
It is from the betterment of this group that they look at themselves and return to their senses before its state becomes blown away by the wind
A word regarding the events in Gaza
So be patient O people of Gaza. Upon you is to unify your ranks and rid yourselves of disunity…
Letter of gratitude from Shaykh Ibn Baz to King Hussein of Jordan
A letter from Shaykh Ibn Baz to King Husayn, advising him to implement the Sharee’ah in Jordan
What type of democracy is this!?
Eastern & western countries emphasized & promoted democracy and human rights at a time when human life is being demeaned, & people in some countries face all sorts of tribulations.
O claimants of freedom, until when the mockery of Islam & the Prophet?
We were recently made aware by the world media of a film which was directed in America by a director called Sam Bacile; this film attacks Islaam by describing it as a cancer…
Refuting the one who claims Angels have descended in Syria
A caller has proclaimed in one of his khutbahs that Angels descended in Syria, and that there are video clips of the Angels there; So, eminent Shaykh, what is your comment?
Our Obligation towards Syria and its Muslims
A similar crime to the one committed in Syria has not been known throughout contemporary and present history, only Allaah knows [the true extent] of it
Burma: A Reflection of the Muslim World
We would like some words of advice from you to the Muslims regarding the current massacre and ethnic cleansing of our Muslim brothers by the Buddhists of Burma
Visions about the future of Islam
Humanity has begun to turn right and left in search of the correct path, hoping it will save them from the abyss, into which every aspect of their lives has deteriorated.
Using the non-Muslim Judicial System
If two people have a dispute, is it permissible for one of them to go to a kafir court in order to get his right that he would otherwise not be able to get?
Ibn ‘Uthaymeen forecasts the “Credit Crunch”
I do not claim to see the future, nor do I claim to be a prophet, but these people, their wealth will end up in bankruptcy. Those who attempt to be deceptive towards Allaah…