5 basic principles that tawhid al-asma was-siffat (tawhid of the names and attributes of Allah) are based upon.
Category: Iman & Tawhid
Workbook: al-Qawā’id al-Arba’ (The Four Fundamental Principles)
A basic treatise regarding Tawheed and Shirk laid out in a workbook format for students to use as a study resource.
Workbook: Nawaqid-al-Islam
A workbook that can be downloaded and printed when studying Nawaqid al-Islam (the Invalidators of Islam)
A warning against Dr. Mohammed al-Issa
A refutation of Dr. Mohammed al-Issa from Saudi Arabia, and his view of offering Christmas greetings
Exchanging Christmas greetings with non-Muslims
An important article containing proofs, clarifications and statements of contemporary scholars, regarding the prohibition of greeting the non-Muslims on Christmas, followed by a warning against Mohammed al-Issa by Shaykh Faysal Jaasim
Workbook: Tajrīd-al-Qawāid-min-al-Qawāid-al-Muthla
21 Important principles regarding Tawḥīd al-Asmā was-Ṣifāt, extracted from the book “al-Qawā’id al-Muthla” (The Lofty Principles) by Shaykh Ibn al-‘Uthaymīn.
Beneficial articles regarding Tawassul: Article 02
Article 02 covers the linguistic and Shar’i definition of Tawassul, as well as how the companions understood it.
Beneficial articles regarding Tawassul: Article 01
An introduction to this series of articles which outlines its contents and objectives.
An introduction to Tawhid
An introduction to the meanings and proofs of Tawhid
Contemplations from one man’s journey back from Atheism
Lessons and contemplations from: “the journey of the one who returned from Atheism to the Fitrah”
A concise explanation of four basic texts of Aqeedah [35 Lessons]
Audio series in which a brief synopsis, breakdown and benefits of four basic texts on Tawheed are studied.
Save them before they burn…
A heartfelt call to the rulers, scholars, parents and guardians to awaken to the dangers that atheism and Kufr pose to our youth and children
13 doubts regarding Tawassul: Doubt 01
The first doubt is regarding the famous Hadeeth of Umar (radhi Allaahu anhu) asking al-Abbaas (radhi Allaahu anhu) to supplicate for rain
If the reward for giving water to a dog is Jannah, then how about teaching Tawheed to the people?
If a prostitute entered Paradise due to feeding a dog, then what is the reward for the callers to Tawheed?
All of Surah Fatihah is about Tawhid
Soorah Faatihah is the first Soorah in the Qur’an. It exemplifies how all of the Qur’an is Tahweed, and how it is the most important message of the Qur’an.