The web site [] has been operating for many years [now], and all Praise is due to Allaah [alone] – a great many people have benefited from it.
Category: Khalid ar-Raddaadi
Why was the Prophet so generous in Ramadan?
The Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) was the most generous of people, and he was further generous in Ramadhan…
Loving one’s country: An Islamic perspective
An insightful article covering a subject which is often misunderstood – Al-Wataniyyah – loving ones country and patriotism.
A Response to Malicious Allegations Levied against Madeenah.Com
A series of articles have recently been published by certain malicious websites defaming in addition to the students of knowledge who contribute to it.
Shaykh Khaalid ar-Raddaadee’s Recommendation for
Indeed, the website “””” is from amongst the beneficial and distinguished Salafi sites.
Clear and Unclear Salafees
Then this description is not good, if we were at all to call it a description, yet alone making it a category, for it is a categorisation that is Baatil (false)!
Who was intended by “The Bayan”?
…there were certain individuals who fell into something of Ghuloo (extremism) and Shatat (exces- siveness), who were intended by this Bayaan, here [in Madeenah] and over there [in Britain].
Praying Behind an innovator or sinful person
So this Imaam, if he were to fall into an innovation or a sin that does not amount up to disbelief, then surely, prayer behind him is considered to be correct and permissible.