Boycotting the Qur’an

Reference: al-Fawāid vol.1 p.82

Boycotting of the Qur’ān is several types:

First Type: To abandon listening to it, having imān in it and concentrating on it.

Second Type: To boycott acting upon it and restricting oneself to the boundaries of what is ḥalāl and ḥarām – even if a person has imān in it.

Third Type: To boycott applying its rulings and laws; and returning to it in both the core principles of the religion as well as its finer branches. Also, to believe that the [information in the] Qur’ān does not equate to absolute certainty; believing that its textual proofs do not equate to certainty in knowledge.

Fourth Type: To abandon contemplating and understanding it, and knowing the intent of the one (Allāh) who spoke with it.

Fifth Type: To abandon utilising it as a cure for all types of diseases of the heart and its poisons, such that a person seeks cure for the ailments of the heart from other than the Qur’ān whilst abandoning the cure of the Qur’ān.

All of these types of boycotting are contained within the saying of Allāh,

{And the Messenger will say: “O my Lord! Verily, my people boycotted this Qur’ān} [25:30][1]

Some of these types of boycotting may be less serious than others.


[1] As-Sa’di said regarding this āyah:

{And the Messenger will say…} “calling his Lord and complaining to him about how his people have rejected what he came with; he will regretfully say,

{O my Lord! Verily, my people…} to whom you sent me, for me to guide them and preach to them {have boycotted this Qur’ān} i.e. they have rejected, abandoned and left it. This is despite the obligation upon them of submitting to its command and accepting its laws.” [Tafsīr as-Sa’di, 25:30]

المرجع: الفوائد ج.١ ص. ٨٢

هجر القرآن أنواع:

أحدها: هجر سماعه والايمان به والاصغاء اليه.

والثاني: هجر العمل به والوقوف عند حلاله وحرامه, وان قرأه وآمن به.

والثالث: هجر تحكيمه والتحاكم اليه في أصول الدين وفروعه واعتقاد أنه لا يفيد اليقين… وأن أدلته لفظية لا تحصّل العلم.

والرابع: هجر تدبّره وتفهّمه ومعرفة ما أراد المتكلم به منه.

والخامس: هجر الاستشفاء والتداوي في جميع أمراض القلوب وأدوائها, فيطلب شفاء دائه من غيره, ويهجر التداوي به.

وكل هذا داخل في قوله:

{وقال الرسول يا رب ان قومي اتخذوا هذا القرآن مهجورا} [25:30]

وان كان بعض الهجر أهون من بعض.


قال الشيخ السعدي: {وَقَالَ الرَّسُولُ} مناديا لربه وشاكيا له إعراض قومه عما جاء به، ومتأسفا على ذلك منهم {يَا رَبِّ إِنَّ قَوْمِي} الذي أرسلتني لهدايتهم وتبليغهم، اتَّخَذُوا هَذَا الْقُرْآنَ مَهْجُورًا} أي: قد أعرضوا عنه وهجروه وتركوه مع أن الواجب عليهم الانقياد لحكمه والإقبال على أحكامه… [تفسير السعدي]

He is a graduate of the Islaamic University of Madeenah, having graduated from the Institute of Arabic Language, and later the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 2010. He currently resides in Nelson, Lancashire and is the Imam of Masijd Sunnah.

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