Indeed all praise is for Allāh; we praise Him, seek His aid, and ask His forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allāh from the evil of ourselves and from our evil actions. Whoever Allāh guides, there is none who can misguide him, and whoever Allāh misguides, there is none to guide him.
I bear witness there is no deity worthy of worship except Allāh, He is alone and has no partners. I also bear witness that Muḥammad is the worshipper and messenger of Allāh – may the salutations of praise and peace be upon him.
The whole world sees and hears today the peak of brutality and terrorism that is being carried out by the Jews; aggressors against our Palestinian brothers in the Gaza Strip. Pens fail to describe these despicable crimes of this enemy; killing young children, elderly men and women, without distinguishing between those who are “wanted” by them and those who are not. The affair is such that they intentionally bomb the houses of Allāh, the exalted and majestic, as well as public places such as schools.
The stance of those, who constantly use beautiful slogans calling for “human rights,” does not cease to amaze during such events. Perhaps the wonder will cease [when we realise] that Muslims around the earth are not considered to be humans according to these very people, and therefore “human rights” do not extend to them.
In fact, consider how they tend to the welfare of their dogs, [and then compare this with their treatment of Muslims] to comprehend the reality of this “humanity”.
This Jewish brutality along with their justification of it – in fact their encouragement of such actions, is state terrorism. There is no dispute regarding this, even by that organisation which was established to fight terrorism and has held conferences and meetings.
Where are the slogans of the countries that we used to hear condemning the sources of terrorism?!
Is not what the Jews are doing from the greatest source and forms of terrorism?
So be patient, O people of Gaza.
Upon you is to unify your ranks and rid yourselves of disunity.
You should be worshippers of Allāh, brothers united upon Islām and the Sunnah. This is how victory will come, by the permission of Allāh.
Also, du’ā in times of calamity and other [righteous] actions that benefit is hoped from, this is also form of aid and victory for our weakened brothers.
We ask Allāh, the great, by His beautiful names and lofty attributes that He gives prominence to His religion, that He repels the plots of the oppressive Jews against the Muslims.
[I ask Allāh] that He shields the Muslims from all evil, has mercy upon their slained victims and accepts them as martyrs.
May He aid those who have been afflicted and make the final authority of Islām and its people, and this is not difficult for Allāh. All praise is for Allāh, the lord of the worlds.
These are words I had written five years ago (2014) when there was an attack upon Gaza, however this tragedy has recurred again – Allāh will suffice us, and He is the disposer of affairs.
كلمة حول أحداث غزة
إنَّ الحمد لله، نحمده ونستعينه ونستغفره، ونعوذ بالله من شرور أنفسنا ومن سيئات أعمالنا، ومن يهده الله فلا مضل له، ومن يضلل فلا هادي له، وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، وأشهد أن محمداً عبده ورسوله صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وسلم ، وبعد:
فالعالم كله يرى ويسمع اليوم قمة الوحشية والإرهاب الذي يمارسه اليهود المعتدون على الإخوة الفلسطينيين في قطاع غزة الأبي، وإن الأقلام لتعجز عن وصف هذه الجرائم المتناهية من هذا العدو من قتل للصغير والكبير والرجال والنساء دون تمييز لمن تدَّعي أنه تريدهم بزعمها، بل وصل أمرهم إلى تقصد بيوت الله عز وجل والأماكن العامة من مدارس وغيرها.
والعجب لا ينقضي من مواقف كثير من أصحاب الدعاوى البراقة التي تنادي بحقوق الإنسان من هذه الأحداث، ولعل العجب يزول لأن المسلمين في أنحاء العالم عند أولئك ليسوا من بني الإنسان؟ وبالتالي لاتشملهم الحقوق، بل انظروا إلى معاملاتهم لكلابهم لترى الرفق المزعوم!!
وإن هذه الوحشية اليهودية وتبرير أعمالها من الإرهاب الدولي – الذي لا يتنازع فيه المنظم الذي عقدت لمحاربته مؤتمراتٌ ولقاءاتٌ – بل إنه يشجِّع عليه بكل قوة.
وأين الشعارات الدولية التي كنا نسمعها بتجفيف موارد الإرهاب؟
أليس ما يقوم به يهود من أعظم موارده الإرهاب وأشكاله؟
فصبراً يا أهل غزة الأبية، وعليكم بوحدة صفوفكم ونبذ الفرقة بينكم وكونوا عباد الله إخواناً على الإسلام والسنة وبذلك يتحقق الظفر بإذن الله.
وهذه الدعوات في قنوت النوازل وغيره مما يُرجى بها النفع العظيم وهي من النصرة لإخواننا المستضعفين.
ونسأل الله العظيم بأسمائه الحسنى وصفاته العليا أن يُعلي دينه، وأن يرد كيد اليهود المعتدين والكائدين للمسلمين في نحورهم، وأن يقيهم كل شرٍ، وأن يرحم القتلى ويتقبلهم من الشهداء، وأن يعين المصابين، وأن يجعل العاقبة للإسلام وأهله، وليس ذلك على الله بعزيز.
والحمد لله رب العالمين.
كلمات كنت كتبتها في الاعتداء على غزة قبل خمس سنوات، والمأساة تتكرر وحسبنا الله ونعم والوكيل