Reference: al-Jawaab al-Kaafi
Sinning brings about defamation. From amongst the punishments of sinning is:
- The titles of nobility and praise are removed from a person who sins
- Instead he is known by names of dispraise and lowliness
* Removed from him are the titles of:
- al-Mu’min: Believer
- al-Birr: A person of piety
- al-Muhsin: A person who does good
- al-Muttaqi: A person of Taqwa
- al-Mutee’: An obedient person
- al-Muneeb: A person who turns [to Allaah]
- al-Wali: A person who is protected by Allaah
- al-Warr’: a devout person
- as-Saalih: a righteous person
- al-‘Aabid: a Worshipper
- al-Khaaif: A fearful person
- al-Awwaab: A repentant person
- at-Tayyib: A person of purity and goodness
- al-Murdhee: A pleased person
… and other such names
* Instead he is known by other names, such as:
- al-Faajir: A person of disobedience
- al-‘Aasi: A sinner
- al-Mukhaalif: A person who opposes [the command of Allaah]
- al-Musee: A person of evil
- al-Mufsid: A corrupt person
- al-Khabeeth: a vile person
- al-Maskhoot: a resented person
- az-Zaanee: an adulterer
- as-Saariq: a thief
- al-Qaatil: a murderer
- al-Kadhaab – A liar
- al-Khaain – a person of deception
- Qaati’ ar-Rahm: A person who breaks family ties
- al-Ghaadir: A treacherous person
…and other such names [of dispraise and lowliness]
The latter are the names of disobedience,
{Wretched is the name of disobedience after Imaan} [49:11]
* These names bring about:
- The anger of the One who Recompenses
- Admittance into the Fire
- A life of depravity and humility
*As for the other names [of nobility and praise], they bring about:
- The pleasure of the Most Merciful
- Admittance into Paradise
- A nobility for the one favoured over the rest of the people
If there was no other punishment for sinning except that one is deserving of the aforementioned [lowly] names and what they necessitate, then there would be a rejection [of sinning] in the intellect.
Likewise, if there was no other reward for obedience except that a person succeeds with those names [of nobility] and what they necessitate, then there would be an acceptance [of performing righteous deeds] in the intellect.
However, there is nobody who can prevent what Allaah gives, and no one who can give what Allaah prevents; there is nobody who can bring close the one whom Allaah distances, and nobody who can distance the one whom Allaah has brought close.
{…and he whom Allaah humiliates – for him there is no Bestower of Honour. Indeed, Allaah does what He wills} [22:18]
تسمى بذنوبك
المرجع: الجواب الكافي
المعصية مجلبة للذم، ومن عقوباتها: أنها تسلب صاحبها أسماء المدح والشرف، وتكسوه أسماء الذم والصغار،
فتسلبه اسم المؤمن والبر، والمحسن، والمتقي، والمطيع، والمنيب، والولي، والورع، والصالح، والعابد، والخائف، والأواب، والطيب، والمرضي ونحوها.
وتكسوه اسم الفاجر، والعاصي، والمخالف، والمسيء، والمفسد، والخبيث، والمسخوط، والزاني، والسارق، والقاتل، والكاذب، والخائن، وقاطع الرحم، والغادر وأمثالها.
فهذه أسماء الفسوق
{بئس الاسم الفسوق بعد الإيمان}
الذي يوجب غضب الديان، ودخول النيران، وعيش الخزي والهوان.
وتلك أسماء توجب رضاء الرحمن، ودخول الجنان، وتوجب شرف المسمى بها على سائر أنواع الإنسان
فلو لم يكن في عقوبة المعصية إلا استحقاق تلك الأسماء، وموجباتها، لكان في العقل ناه عنها، ولو لم يكن في ثواب الطاعة إلا الفوز بتلك الأسماء وموجباتها، لكان في العقل آمر بها، ولكن لا مانع لما أعطى الله، ولا معطي لما منع، ولا مقرب لما باعد، ولا مبعد لمن قرب،
{ومن يهن الله فما له من مكرم، إن الله يفعل ما يشاء}