Shaykh Saalih as-Suhaymee says about us: It aims to clarify the correct methodology while avoiding extremism, useless gossip, and distortion of the scholars’ statements to make them mean what they did not intend.

Shaykh Khaalid ar-Raddaadee says about us: Indeed, the website “Madeenah.com" is from amongst the beneficial and distinguished Salafi sites.

1. Is there any course for this that we can follow Ustaadh?
2. I’ve shared this with my relatives and others , is that okay?
Walaykum salaam,
Yes inshaAllah, please feel free to share any content from the website. The workbooks have been done so people can print and utilise them.
The 1st lesson has been uploaded, and the rest should follow soon:
These lessons followed the structure of the workbook.
– Abul Abbaas
The lessons will be uploaded to this playlist inshaAllah:
It seems like both links are for the same video. I think this is the playlist you’re referring to:
Am I correct, Ustaadh?
JazakaAllah khayr for pointing that out.
The playlist has been updated, with 6 lessons uploaded so far.