The Enemies of Islam fear the Muslims


The enemies of Islam greatly fear those Muslims who adhere to the religion of Allaah.

One of them said, “indeed, the white turban in Africa is more dangerous to us than the atomic bomb”

Whereas another said, “the beard of a Muslim is more dangerous to us than missiles.”

So they fear the Muslim who shows even a little adherence to Islam; they fear the Muslim woman who wears the hijaab; they consider her wearing the hijaab as a danger upon them. They also fear the Muslim man who has a beard, and they consider the beard to be more dangerous than tanks and missiles! They fear every aspect of adherence to Islaam.

How would it be if the Muslims were to cooperate with each other, and they became united upon brotherhood that is Islamic? This would afflict the enemies of Islam with paranoia.

Shimon Peres [1] said: “Indeed Islamic unity brings together the aspirations of all the Islamic countries, and it enables them to liberate themselves from European domination. It is a must, therefore that we divert their focus away from Islamic unity.”

Laurence Brown [2] the (former) Christian preacher, said, ‘if the Muslims were to become united throughout the Arab empire, it is possible they can become a danger and a curse upon the world. However if they remain disunited, then they have no weight or bearing. It is must therefore that the Arabs and the Muslims remain disunited so they have no power or bearing.’

Also, the author of the book, ‘Al-Islaam: algharb wal mustaqbal’ [3] said, “the Islamic unity is currently in a state of slumber, however we should remember that the one who sleeps may wake up.” [Refer to the book by Jalaal Al-Adham, dammiru Islaam..abeedu ahlahu] [4]

Similarly the author of Al-Aalam Al-Arabi Al-Mu’aasir [5] said, ‘it has been historically proven that the strength of the Arabs lies in the strength of Islaam. Islaam will therefore be destroyed through their destruction.’

Consider how the enemies of the Muslims such as the Jews, Christians and atheists, tremble due to the unity of the Muslims. This fear led them to destroy this unity. This is because they know that the Ummah of Islam is the ummah that will rule the world. Allah the Most High said:

{You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allaah} [03:110]

And Allah said:

{And they are those who, if We give them authority in the land, establish prayer and give Zakah and enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong. to Allah belongs the outcome of all matters} [22:41]

How can they not fear the unity of the Muslims whilst they know that it is the only reason that the Islamic rule is established and due to it the rulers of the Muslims will be liberated from following the enemies of Islam and being submissive towards them.

O Muslims…beware of treading the path of despair and losing hope, thinking it is not possible that this ummah will return to its glory and that the word of the Muslims will become one. The religion that united the tribes of Aws and Khazraj is the same religion that will unite this us out of this discord. There is nothing preventing the Muslim nation from actualising all of this, except they they return to the Noble Qur’an and the pure Sunnah, enlightened by the way of the previous generations of this ummah.

The one who said the following did well: “A calamity that does not kill me, only increases me in strength”. We therefore say: the calamities and tribulations by the enemies of the Muslims should be a cause for us achieving success. Allah the most high said:

{So do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are true believers.} [03:139]

O Muslims, it has been mentioned to you that Islaam is the truth, and that tomorrow is near. The good ending is for those who fear Allah – by the permission of Allaah. So we should all strive and compete in adhering and remaining steadfast to Islaam, to defending it and establishing it.


[1] Shimon Perez, born 1923 in Belarus, is the current president of the Jewish State built upon illegally occupied Palestinian territory.

[2] Dr L. Brown worked for the US Air Force as Chief Of Ophthalmology. He grew up as an atheist and lived an affluent life. In 1990, he was shocked by the ill-birth of his daughter who was born with a life threatening condition, it was assumed she would die on the second day of her birth. Dr Brown, at the time an atheist, sincerely prayed to ‘God’ to save his daughter, promising in return that he would search for the true religion. Shortly after this, his daughter recovered ‘miraculously.’ He therefore began his journey, initially researching Judaism and Christianity, and finally in 1995 accepting Islaam as the true religion. He currently resides in Madeenah.

[3] Lit. Islaam: the west and the future

[4] Lit. Destroy Islaam…enslave its people

[5] Lit. The modern Arab world

خوف أعداء الإسلام من المسلمين

المرجع: موقع العلوم

إن أعداء الإسلام يخافون من المسلمين المتمسكين بدين الله خوفا شديدا وإليك بعض ما قالوه في ذلك:

قال أحدهم: “إن العمامة البيضاء في أفريقيا أخطر علينا من القنبلة الذرية” وقال بعضهم: “لحية المسلم أخطر علينا من الصواريخ” فهم يخافون من المسلم الذي يظهر منه شيء من التمسك بالإسلام فيخافون من المرأة المتحجبة, ويرون ارتداءها للحجاب خطر عليهم, ويخافون من المسلم صاحب اللحية, ويرون لحيته أعظم من الدبابات والصواريخ, ويخافون من كل أجزاء التمسك.

فكيف لو تعاون المسلمون فيما بينهم وأقاموا الإسلام واجتمعوا على الأخوة الإسلامية والوحدة فيه؟

فهذا مما يجعل أعداء الإسلام يصابون بالجنون, قال سيمون: “إن الوحدة الإسلامية تجمع آمال الشعوب الإسلامية وتساعد على التملص من السيطرة الأوروبية, من أجل ذلك يجب أن نحول اتجاه المسلمين في الوحدة الإسلامية”

ويقول المبشر (لورانس براون): “إذا اتحد المسلمون في إمبراطورية عربية؛ أمكن أن يصبحوا لعنة على العالم وخطرا, أما إذا تفرقوا فإنهم حينئذ بلا وزن ولا تأثير

يجب أن يبقى العرب والمسلمون متفرقين ليبقوا بلا قوة ولا تأثير. ويقول صاحب كتاب “الإسلام والغرب والمستقبل”: (إن الوحدة الإسلامية نائمة, لكن يجب أن نضع في حسباننا أن النائم قد يستيقظ)!

انظر هذه الأقوال في كتيب جلال العظم: “دمّروا الإسلام.. أبيدوا أهله”. ويقول صاحب كتاب “العالم العربي المعاصر”: (لقد ثبت تاريخيا أن قوة العرب في قوة الإسلام, فليُدَمَّروا, وليدمَّر بتدميرهم الإسلام).

انظر كيف ترتعد فرائص أعداء الإسلام من يهود ونصارى وزنادقة من وحدة المسلمين التي مزقوها, لأنهم يعلمون أن أمة الإسلام أمة قيادة للعالم, قال تعالى:

{ كُنتُمْ خَيْرَ أُمَّةٍ أُخْرِجَتْ لِلنَّاسِ تَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَتَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمُنكَرِ} [آل عمران]

وقال تعالى:

{الَّذِينَ إِن مَّكَّنَّاهُمْ فِي الْأَرْضِ أَقَامُوا الصَّلَاةَ وَآتَوُا الزَّكَاةَ وَأَمَرُوا بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَنَهَوْا عَنِ الْمُنكَر} [الحج]

وكيف لا يخافون من وحدة المسلمين, وهم يعلمون أنه بسبب الوحدة تقوم الخلافة الإسلامية التي حكامها متحررون من التبعية والخضوع لأعداء الإسلام. أيها المسلمون..

احذروا أن تدخلوا في طريق اليأس, قائلين: لا يمكن أن تعود الأمة إلى رشدها, وأن تتحد كلمتها. فالذي جمع بين الأوس والخزرج ومن إليهم هو الذي سيجمع بين هذا التفرق. فليس بين الأمة المسلمة وبين تحقيق هذا إلا الرجوع إلى القرآن الكريم والسنة المطهرة مستضيئة بما كان عليه سلف الأمة

ولقد أحسن من قال: “ضربة لا تقتلني؛ لا تزيدني إلا قوة”. ونحن نقول: ضربات الأعداء للمسلمين لا ينبغي أن تكون إلا سببا لوصولنا إلى النجاح. قال تعالى:

{وَلاَ تَهِنُوا وَلاَ تَحْزَنُوا وَأَنتُمُ الأَعْلَوْنَ إِن كُنتُم مُّؤْمِنِينَ}

أيها المسلمون.. لقد تقدم لكم أن الإسلام حق, وأن الغد القريب عاقبته للمتقين بإذن الله. فإلى المسابقة إلى التمسك بالإسلام, وإلى الدفاع عنه, والقيام به.

He is a graduate of the Islamic University of Madeenah, having graduated from the Institute of Arabic Language, and later the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 2010. He currently resides in Nelson, Lancashire and is the Imam of Masjid Sunnah.

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