The Difference between the ‘Haudh’ and the ‘Kawthar’

In the name of Allāh, the most Merciful, the bestower of Mercy.

Indeed all praise is for Allāh and may peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

The difference between the Ḥaud with the Kawthar is often confused due to the common English translation for both being similar. In clearing this confusion, by the permission of Allāh, a number of differences and also some similarities between the Ḥaud and the Kawthar will be mentioned.

Differences between the Ḥaud and Kawthar

  1. The Kawthar is a flowing river in Paradise, whereas the Ḥaud will be a pond on Earth.
  2. Water will be channeled from the Kawthar to the Ḥaud.
  3. The Kawthar is currently present in Paradise, whereas the Ḥaud will emerge upon the Earth on the Day of Resurrection.
  4. The Kawthar is bigger than the Ḥaud, as water will be poured from it to the Ḥaud.

Similarities between the Haudh and Kawthar

  1.  They are both for the Prophet and his followers from his Ummah.
  2.  The water of both the Kawthar and Ḥaud is the same, from Paradise, as the water of the Ḥaud is channelled from the Kawthar,

Allāh knows best, may He make us from those who drink from the Ḥaud and Kawthar.

The above points can be understood from the authentic Aḥādīth and also the words of the scholars.

Shaykh Ibn Bāz (may Allāh have Mercy upon him) was asked:

Question: What is the pond of Ḥaud, and what is the difference between it and the river of Kawthar?

Response: The pond of Ḥaud is a pond upon the earth for the Prophet on the Day of Resurrection. The Kawthar is in Paradise, and water will be channelled from it into the Ḥaud on earth. The Ḥaud is what Allāh promised His Prophet ﷺ; the believers from his Ummah will be led to it.

It is a great pond, its length is a [journey of a] month and its width is also a month; the people of Imaan will be led to it.

Whoever drinks from it a single gulp will never feel thirsty again after it. Its utensils are the number of the stars; its water is from Paradise and is sent down from the river of Kawthar. This is the detail in this matter. The Ḥaud is on the earth; its water is from Paradise. 

The Kawthar is a river in Paradise and its water will be sent to the Ḥaud through channels, as the Prophet said,

It will be poured into this Haudh on the Day of Resurrection; the believers will be led to it from the Ummah of Muḥammad ﷺ.

The meaning of ‘earth’ is the Land of Gathering (i.e. the ashr). The river [of Kawthar] is present now in Paradise, due to the saying of the Most High:

{Indeed we have given you the Kawthar} [01:108]

It is a great river in Paradise; on the Day of Resurrection water will be channeled from it to the earth; it will be replaced on the Day of Resurrection and people will be upon it [to drink]. [1]


[1] For the Arabic fatwa, please refer to:

He is a graduate of the Islaamic University of Madeenah, having graduated from the Institute of Arabic Language, and later the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 2010. He currently resides in Nelson, Lancashire and is the Imam of Masijd Sunnah.


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