In the Qur’an, Allah mentions the 4 levels of sins in a single Ayah.
Tag: Taqwa
Beauty and ugliness is a reflection of the heart
When piety and righteousness increase, beauty becomes manifest; when sins increase, ugliness become more manifest.
Say: I believe in Allah, and be Upright
In this Khutbah, you will learn: Appreciating the blessing of Islam and guidance The unique Aayah which contains 10 different independent admonishments The religion is based on the rectification of the heart and the rectification of the limbs. The admonishment of the Prophet: Say I believe in Allah, and be upright What is Istiqaamah? The […]
Between a believer and a hypocrite
“A believer combines between doing good and fearing Allah, whereas a hypocrite combines between doing evil and feeling safe from Allah…”
Why was the Prophet so generous in Ramadan?
The Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) was the most generous of people, and he was further generous in Ramadhan…
What does Allah want from you in Ramadhan?
Does Allah benefit from us being hungry and thirsty in Ramadhan? What does he really want from us?
Take benefit of five before five
A profound sermon admonishing us to seize the blessings which Allah has given us before they end
How to attain Barakah
How to attain Barakah in your wealth, property, life, children and time.
O believing men and women, lower your gazes
Khutbah regarding the blessing of sight, and the obligation to control it and lower the gaze
The heart, in its journey towards Allah, is like a bird.
The relationship between Love, Hope and Fear in the journey towards Allaah and His Paradise
Whoever lives through Ramadhan, yet his sins are not forgiven
In Ramadhan the doors of Jannah are opened yet a person does not enter through them, the doors of Jahannam are closed yet a person knocks on them…
Have Taqwa of Allaah
Friday Khutbah encouraging us all to have Taqwa, to interact with people with good manners and seeking honour through Islaam.
Characteristics of the people of Taqwa – 2
“Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the people of Taqwa…”
Characteristics of the People of Taqwa – 1
Descriptions and characteristics of the people of Taqwa deduced from Aayaat in the Qur’an
Those who are righteous yet afraid
Inspirational Khutbah about the way of the true believers: To perform acts of righteousness whislt being afraid your actions are not accepted. Exmaples of this are given from the statements of Prophet Ibraheem and Umar Ibn al-Khattaab.