The duas and adhkar which are said during Salah, set out in a workbook format for students to memorise and study.
Tag: prayer
Workbook: Risalah fi Siffat as-Salah (A Treatise Regarding the Description of Salah)
A description of Salah summarised from hadith, along with some points that the scholars differed upon. Authored by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, set out in a workbook format for students.
Dhikr after Salah Simplified
A list of some of the adhkar that are said after Salah; each one includes Arabic, transliteration, translation & reference. A pdf version has been downloaded.
Combining and shortening Salah
When are we permitted to combine and shorten Salah (prayers)?
Essential questions & answers for new Muslims
39 essential questions which for new Muslims, or newly practising Muslims.
Praying Salah with the shoulders uncovered
Reference: Majmū’ Fatāwa wa Aaqālāt ash-Shaykh Ibn Bāz Vol 29 Page 217. Question: I would like to inform your eminence that there are many brothers – may Allāh guide them – who pray ṣalāh whilst wearing a single garment below the stomach. As for the garment which is worn on the upper body, they place […]
Fasting and praying in Scandinavian countries
My sister and her husband currently live in Germany, she recently wrote to me asking me whether it is an obligation upon her and the Muslims there to fast the month of Ramadhan…
Second open question & answer session with Shaykh Badr Al-Utaybee
Second pen Q & A session held in Nelson, Lancashire on the night of 29th June, 2016, with Shaykh Badr Ibn Alee Al-Utaybee, 12 questions were asked.
Ahadeeth regarding straightening the rows in the Prayer – Hadeeth 1
A series of articles mentioning and explaining Ahaadeeth relating to straightening the rows in Prayer
Combining the Prayer due to Rain – 5
Reference: The Permanent Committee ( The second Group (6/65) Question: In case we combine ‘Ishaa with Maghrib because of rain, is it permissible for a person to pray shaf’ and witr [night prayer] after praying ‘Ishaa in the masjid or does he have to wait until the actual time of ‘Ishaa arrives and then he (can) pray his sunnahs and then shaf’ and witr? What is better? Give us a fatwa (Islamic Verdict), […]
Combining the Prayer due to Rain – 4
What was noticed during Ramadhaan this year is the descending of some rain.Therefore, should the people combine Maghrib with ‘Ishaa? And if they do combine, should they pray taraaweeh ( the night prayer) immediately after that or what should they do?
Combining the Prayer due to Rain – 3
Question: Is it permissible to combine the prayers during a rainy night, whereas, it rains for some time and then it stops. Sometime the rain is a lot to the extent that it wets one’s clothes and sometimes it drizzles? (It is permissible to combine) even if it was not raining during the actual time that […]
Combining the Prayer due to Rain – 2
A series of articles regarding combining the Prayers due to rain or severe weather conditions
Combining the Prayer due to Rain – 1
A series of articles regarding combining the Prayers due to rain or severe weather conditions
How does an ill person pray?
Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen lists the various situations an ill person may face and how he should adapt his Prayer