If only our youth fully realised, that it is not possible for us to gain absolute victory except through implementing Islām, not merely the Islām which is stated as your “hobby” on your ID card
Tag: muslim
Advice to the Muslims, in light of the recent events in Leicester [UPDATED]
Advice from Shaykh Abdulhaq Turkmani to the Muslims, in light of the recent events in Leicester. [Updated]
Essential questions & answers for new Muslims
39 essential questions which for new Muslims, or newly practising Muslims.
Workbook: Ad-Durūs al-Muhimma li-‘āmatil Ummah
An excellent study text for a beginner student, topics include: the basics of Aqīdah (belief), rulings of Wudū, Ṣalāh and Janāzah; Muslim manners and morals; and different types of sins.
Lessons Muslims can learn from the decline of the Church
An analysis of the causes behind the decline of the Church, and a look at what preserves Islam and the Masjid
Contemplations from one man’s journey back from Atheism
Lessons and contemplations from: “the journey of the one who returned from Atheism to the Fitrah”
Guidance on giving shahadah to a non-muslim
An important article mentioning guidelines on what to do before, during and after giving shahādah to a non-muslim, and practical advice in helping them develop as a muslim.
A Believer is Amazing
There is a way for the believer to be amazing, in constant optimism wherein your situation is always good
There is no honour except by Islaam
We hear nowadays those who champion the cause of ‘humanity’ and relate every type of goodness to it whilst forgetting, neglecting and even denying the effort Islaam has placed…
The Life of Imaam Muslim Ibn al-Hajjaaj
A detailed biography of Imaam Muslim, the great Muhaddith and the compiler of Saheeh Muslim
Conceal the sins of your Muslim brother
Some patients visit me after having drunk intoxicants or taken drugs. This then results in them committing certain prohibited acts such as adultery and homosexuality. Should I inform [the authorities]?
The way of the Messenger in calling non-Muslims to Islam
Proceed with calmness and tranquility up until you enter their land, then invite them to Islaam and inform them of what Allaah the Most High has made obligatory upon them.
Who are Ahlus Sunnah Wal-Jama’ah?
Ahlus Sunnah Wal-Jama’ah’ are those who adherently cling and unite upon the ‘Sunnah’, not turning to other than it…
The Correct Aqeedah
What is obligatory for a muslim to know in the Aqeedah in order for him to actually be a true Muslim?