Furthermore, I would like to remind myself and also my brothers who are involved in authoring – especially in the domain of refutations…
Tag: jarh
So and so is not from the Salafees
In recent times the following statement has become widely used, ‘so and so is not a Salafee’ or ‘he is not from The Salafees.’ Are these types of statements considered as tabdee’?
Once again: O Ahlus-Sunnah, be gentle with Ahlus-Sunnah
This treatise is specifically important for the students of knowledge, do not pay attention to what the owners of certain meagre websites will say regard- ing it; they only criticise this type of treatise out of arrogance
Categorizing People
Categorization of people is a detailed issue, & it is present in the Legislation and is permissible, rather it may be an obligation to clarify the truth & refute falsehood…
Criticizing some of the Du‘aat
Some students of knowledge have directed certain criticisms towards a specific group of individuals from amongst the Du‘aat who have have fallen into mistakes related to Manhaj.
Shiddah and Ghuloo
As for the Mutashaddidoon, (those who are harsh and severe), then it is possible that they are deprived of these qualities, or some of them…
Differentiating between Jarh wa Ta’deel & ar-Radd ‘alal-Mukhaalif
It thereby becomes obvious to the reader that the Qur‘aan and the Sunnah warned against everything that was considered as a harm to Islaam and the Muslims.
Declaring Someone An Innovator – Part 1
Is it conditional in order to declare [a person[ to be an innovator, that the proof be established against him first?